Home 2021 October

Monthly Archives: October 2021

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Jokes - TMNJ jokes

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Jokes

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle jokes, riddles and puns for kids and adults of all ages. Clean Ninja Turtle jokes for fans of TMNT movies, TV shows, books, comics, video games and songs.
Turtle Jokes - Tortoise, Sea Turtle and Turtle Puns and Riddles

Turtle Jokes

Turtle jokes, riddles & puns for kids and adults. Clean turtle jokes for fans of turtle characters, turtles as pets and wild turtles.

Halloween Songs – 1 Hour of Kids Halloween Songs

Great collection of Halloween Music for your party or to play while kids are trick-or-treating. Fun Halloween songs for kids and adults of all ages.
Clown Jokes

Clown Jokes

Clown jokes for kids & adults. Clean clown puns, riddles & knock-knock jokes about circus clowns, cartoon & film clowns, rodeo clowns & birthday clowns.
Firefighter Jokes

Firefighter Jokes

Firefighter jokes, puns and riddles for kids & adults. Clean fireman jokes and firewoman jokes for parents, teachers, firefighters, EMT's and more.
Princess Jokes - Princesses

Princess Jokes

Funny princess jokes for kids & adults. Clean princess jokes, puns & riddles about real & fictional princesses.
Queen Jokes

Queen Jokes

Queen jokes for kids and adults of all ages. These clean queen jokes include queen puns, riddles and knock-knock jokes about queens from England, Egypt, Spain, France and more.
Greek Mythology Jokes, Riddles and Puns

Greek Mythology Jokes

Greek mythology jokes, riddles and puns for kids & adults. Clean jokes about Greek myths for parents, teachers, historians, children and fans of Greek Mythology stores, books and movies.
Piano Jokes for Kids

Piano Jokes

Piano Jokes, piano puns and piano riddles for kids and adults of all ages. Clean jokes about the piano, pianists, piano teachers, composers and types of pianos.
Mermaid Jokes

Mermaid Jokes

Mermaid jokes, puns & riddles. Clean mermaid jokes for kids & adults. Fun for mermaid parties, school, Halloween or anytime.
Gargoyle Jokes

Gargoyle Jokes

Gargoyle jokes, gargoyle puns, riddles & funny jokes about gargoyles. Clean gargoyle jokes for kids and adults of all ages for Halloween or anytime.
Banshee Jokes

Banshee Jokes

Banshee jokes, riddles and puns jokes about spirits known as woman of the fairy mound. Clean banshee jokes for kids & adults for Halloween or anytime!
Yoda Jokes

Yoda Jokes

Yoda jokes for Star Wars fans of all ages. Clean Yoda jokes, riddles, Yoda puns, one-liners & knock-knock jokes for kids & adults. Yoda humor for fans.
Goat Jokes - Clean Goat Jokes

Goat Jokes

Goat jokes, riddles, puns, one-liners and knock-knock jokes about goats. Clean goat jokes for kids and adults. Jokes about kids, rams, does, nannies, Billy goats, markhors and more.

Recent Jokes