Thanksgiving dinner jokes, including Thanksgiving food jokes, riddles, puns, one liners and knock-knock jokes.
All the Thanksgiving supper jokes on this page focus on Thanksgiving foods like turkey, cranberry sauce, green beans, sweet potatoes, stuffing and more. They are fun for parents, grandparents, teachers, cooks and chefs, farmers, kids and anyone looking for funny food humor for Thanksgiving.
All of the clean Thanksgiving dinner jokes on this page are Family-Friendly Thanksgiving Jokes for kids of all ages. They’re perfect for the Thanksgiving dinner table and the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. Tell some on the car ride if you’re travelling for Thanksgiving day.
Here’s an idea – write jokes out on pieces of paper and put them under the dinner plates on your table. When everyone sits down, have them take out their jokes and share some laughs as you get food to the table.
After reading these funny Thanksgiving dinner jokes, check out these: Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids; Cranberry Jokes; Turkey Jokes, Corn Jokes, Pilgrim Jokes and more…
Thanksgiving Dinner Jokes
Q: Why does everyone need bread on Thanksgiving?
A: Because loaf makes the world go round.
Q: What did vampire Pilgrims call Thanksgiving?
A: Fangs-giving.
Q: What did Pilgrims put in their pumpkin pie?
A: Their teeth.
Q: When does Thanksgiving bread rise?
A: When you yeast expect it to.
Q: How did the Thanksgiving bread keep it’s shape?
A: By spending an hour on the gym’s bread machine.
Q: What does Thanksgiving day bread do after it’s done baking?
A: It loaf’s around.
Q: Why was the cranberry in the can?
A: It had to go potty.
Q: Who scared the cranberry?
A: The booberry.
Thanksgiving Turkey Jokes
Q: What does a turkey like to eat on Thanksgiving?
A: Nothing – they are already stuffed.
Q: When is turkey soup bad for your health?
A: When you’re the turkey.
Q: What did the Pilgrims get when they crossed a turkey with a ghost?
A: A poultrygeist!
Q: Why shouldn’t you look at the turkey dressing?
A: Because it will make him blush.
Q: Why don’t you put the turkey near the corn?
A: Because it will gobble, gobble, gobble it up.
Q: What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?
A: The turKEY.
Q: What is a turkey’s favorite dessert?
A: Peach gobbler.
Q: How do you make a turkey float?
A: Root beer, a scoop of ice cream, and a turkey.
Q: Why did the music band need a turkey?
A: Because he had the drumsticks.
Q: What do you get when you cross a turkey with a centipede?
A: Drumsticks for everyone on Thanksgiving Day.
Q: Why was the the turkey ashamed?
A: It saw the cranberry dressing.
Thanksgiving Cranberry Jokes
Q: Why did the cranberries turn red?
A: Because they saw the turkey dressing.
Q: What band do the Thanksgiving side dishes like to hear?
A: The Cranberries.
Q: How did the Thanksgiving planning go so well?
A: The rest of the meal and the cranberry jelled.
Q: Which rock and roll musician is always welcome to Thanksgiving dinner?
A: Chuck Cran Berry.
Q: Why did the swimmer get such a bad cramp after Thanksgiving dinner?
A: He ate too many crampberries.
Q: What did the monster serve with Thanksgiving dinner?
A: Francranberries.
Q: What should you never serve at Thanksgiving dinner?
A: Cranberry jellyfish.
Q: Why couldn’t anyone find the dog’s Thanksgiving bone?
A: Cranberried it.
Q: What do cranberries say after Thanksgiving?
A: Cranberrrrrry Christmas!
Q: What did the cranberry say to the Thanksgiving turkey?
A: Nothing. Cranberries can’t talk.
Q: What won’t a turkey eat cranberries on Thanksgiving?
A: They’re already stuffed.
Q: What is a Thanksgiving turkey’s favorite dessert?
A: Cranberry gobbler.
Q: Why don’t you put the Thanksgiving turkey near the cranberries?
A: Because it will gobble, gobble, gobble it up.
Q: What did the boy say when his Mom wanted his help to fix the cranberry sauce?
A: But I didn’t break it.
Q: When are cranberries bad for your health?
A: When you’re the cranberry.
Corny Thanksgiving Jokes
Q: What did the corn say when he received a compliment at Thanksgiving dinner?
A: Aw, shucks.
Q: Who begs for scraps under the table at Thanksgiving?
A: The corn dog.
Q: What mythical vegetable is served at Thanksgiving dinner?
A: Unicorn on the cob.
More: Corn Jokes
Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Jokes
Q: What kind of sweet potato starts arguments?
A: An agi-tater.
Q: Why didn’t the sweet potato want to go to the Halloween dance party?
A: It was afraid of the Monster Mash.
Q: What did the sweet potato mom like to read as a bedtime story?
A: Green Eggs and Yam
Q: What do you call a monkey who makes sweet potato chips?
A: A Chipmunk.
Q: Why are sweet potatoes able to get so much work done?
A: Because they’re not couch potatoes
Q: What do soccer players call their sweet potato fans?
A: Speck Tators.
Q: Why can’t you get angry at a yam?
A: Because they’re such sweet potatoes.
Q: What’s the difference between mashed sweet potatoes and pea soup?
A: Anybody can mash sweet potatoes.
Q: Why are sweet potatoes so popular?
A: They are a-peeling.
Q: What do you call a sweet potato after it’s been thinly sliced?
A: Chip.
Q: What do you call a stolen sweet potato?
A: A hot potato.
Q: What do you call a spinning sweet potato?
A: A rotate-o.
Q: How many grams of protein are in a slice of sweet potato pie?
A: 3.14159265… (also known as pi)
Thanksgiving Food Jokes for School Teachers
Q: Why couldn’t the cranberry go to the Thanksgiving party?
A: It was bogged down with homework.
Q: Why did the music teacher bring a turkey to class?
A: For the drumsticks.
Q: Who is the smartest spud in the school?
A: I yam
Q: Who was the potato’s favorite author?
A: Edgar Allen Poe-tato.
Q: What did the sweet potato philosopher say to the potato?
A: I think, therefore I yam.
Q: What did the yam say to her friend after getting a gift?
A: You are so sweet.
Q: What do sweet potatoes eat for breakfast?
A: Pota-toast with jam.
Q: What kind of socks should you wear to plant sweet potatoes?
A: Garden hose.
Q: What show do sweet potato music stars always watch?
A: The Yammy awards.
Q: What do you get when it rains sweet potatoes?
A: Spuddles.
Q: Why did the sweet potato cross the road?
A: It saw a fork up ahead.
Q: What was the sweet potato’s favorite sci-fi show?
A: Starch Trek.
Q: How do you cheer up a baked sweet potato?
A: You butter him up.
Q: How did they describe sweet potato who won an olympic medal?
A: Spudtacular
Q: What do you call a baby sweet potato?
A: A small fry.
Q: Why did the sport-loving sweet potato want to be when he grew up?
A: A sports commen-tater.
Q: Why don’t sweet potatoes make good detectives?
A: Because they don’t have eyes.
Q: What did the mom say to her sweet potato son when he got an good grade?
A: That’s yam-tastic!
Q: What was the sweet potato so quiet?
A: It was a medi-tator.
Q: What did the sweet potato say when he took a bite of dessert?
A: Mmmm, this is so yammy.
Q: Why was the sweet potato wearing socks?
A: To keep is pota-toes warm.
Q: How do sweet potatoes know how many spaces to move their game pieces?
A: They casse-role the dice.
Q: Who do sweet potatoes spend the most time with?
A: Cinnamon and butter.
More: Sweet Potato Jokes
Q: Why was the baker so grumpy on Thanksgiving?
A: He woke up on the wrong side of the bread.
Q: When does Thanksgiving bread rise?
A: When you yeast expect it to.
Q: Why was the host arrested on Thanksgiving?
A: She kept breaking bread.
Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids
Q: Why was the baker embarrassed when her guests arrived for Thanksgiving dinner?
A: She had egg on her face.
Q: Why do Thanksgiving bread jokes stay funny?
A: Because they never get mold.
Q: Which type of Thanksgiving dinner rolls can fly?
A: Plain ones
Q: What kind of potato starts arguments at Thanksgiving dinner?
A: An agi-tater.
Q: Why are mashed potatoes so popular at Thanksgiving dinner?
A: They are a-peeling.
Q: What made the mashed potatoes turn red on Thanksgiving?
A: It saw the salad dressing.
Q: What did the pumpkin say after thanksgiving?
A: Good-pie everyone.
Q. What is a math teacher’s favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
A. Pumpkin Pi.
Q: What did the boy say about his mom’s sweet potato pie on Thanksgiving?
A: It’s yamtastic!
Q: How did the guests describe Mom’s pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving?
A: It’s gourd-geous.
Q: What’s the best thing to put into an Thanksgiving pie?
A: Your teeth.
Q: Why did the apple pie cry on Thanksgiving?
A: It’s peelings were hurt!
More: Pie Jokes
Q: When does Thanksgiving bread rise?
A: When you yeast expect it to…
Q: What did the loaf of bread say to the Pilgrim?
A: Rye so serious?
Q: Why was the baker embarrassed when the Native Americans arrived for Thanksgiving dinner?
A: She had egg on her face.
Q: Why was the baker so grumpy on Thanksgiving morning?
A: She woke up on the wrong side of the BREAD…
More Bread Jokes and Corn Bread Jokes.
Q: Why did the yam start arguments during Thanksgiving dinner?
A: It was an agi-tater.
Q: Why were sweet potatoes so popular for Thanksgiving Meals?
A: Because they are a-peeling.
Q: Who do sweet potatoes spend the most time with?
A: Cinnamon and butter.
Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Tamara who?
Tamara we’ll be having turkey again.
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Waddle who?
Waddle you do for big piece of sweet potato pie?
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Wanda who?
Wanda be in the Thanksgiving parade?
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Wilma who?
Wilma know to save the wish bone?
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Wilma who?
Wil Ma make cookies for Thanksgiving?
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Zeb who?
Zeb baster is for making gravy?
After reading these funny Thanksgiving dinner jokes, check out these: Thanksgiving Jokes; Cranberry Jokes; Turkey Jokes, Sweet Potato Jokes, Corn Jokes, Pilgrim Jokes and more…