Looking for funny jokes for the last day of school for kids? This collection of jokes about the end of the school year are perfect for those last days leading up to summer vacation.
Put them in a lunch box, slip them into a pocket or write on a Post-It note and stick inside a notebook.
These end of school jokes are great for teachers, coaches, parents and kids of all ages. They are clean and safe for everyone!
When you’re done here, you can also visit these school-related pages: Jokes about School, Math Jokes, History Jokes, Summer Jokes and Beach Jokes.
Jokes for the Last Day of School
Q: What school do kids like to go to during the summer?
A: Sundae school – because of all the ice cream!
Q: How is a teacher’s summer vacation like someone closing their eyes?
A: There aren’t any pupils to see.
Q: Why didn’t the school basketball player go away for summer vacation?
A: He didn’t want to get called for traveling
Q. What did the student say when his teacher handed him his final report card of the year?
A: Do you want me to sign it now or later?
Q. Why did the teacher scold her student all year long for something he didn’t do?
A: It was his homework that he didn’t do!
Q: Why did the Lifesaver go to summer school?
A: It wanted to be a Smartie
Q: Who only goes to school during the summer?
A: Surfers – they go to boarding school.
Q. Why did the echo get detention on the last day of school?
A: It kept answering back.
Q: How as the boy’s grade like going on summer vacation?
A: It was at C level.
Q: What stays in the school during summer vacation?
A: The alpha-bat.
Q: What is a teacher’s three favorite words?
A: June, July and August.
Q: Who goes to school during the summer?
A: The ice cream man – he goes to Sundae school.
Q. What did the student say when his teacher asked him to pay a little attention on the last day of school?
A: But I’m paying as little attention as I can!
Q: Why couldn’t the broom have the summer off from school?
A: It spent the year sweeping during class.
Q. Why was the teacher cross-eyed on the last day of school?
A: She lost control of her pupils.
Q: What can’t your parents make you do during the summer?.
A: Your school homework.
Q: What is white when its dirty and black when its clean?
A: A blackboard.
Q: What school supply is still tired all summer long?
A: A knapsack.
Q: Which students never miss class during the summer?
A: All of them because nobody misses going to school during the summer!
Q: Which friend do students never see over summer vacation?
A: Their princi-PAL.
Q: Will you have statistics class next year?
A: Probably.
Q: How did the music teacher get locked into the school all summer?
A: The keys were inside her piano.
Q: Why couldn’t the kids go to the new summer pirate movie?
A: Because it was rated ARRRRRRRR.
Q: How can you make the last day of school fly by?
A: Throw a clock!
Q: Why was the math book sad that school was over for the year?
A: Because it need help solving it’s problems.
Q: What do math teachers eat during summer vacation?
A: Square meals
Q: What do math teachers serve for dessert during the summer?
A: Pi.
Q: What is a math teacher’s favorite sum?
A: Summer.
Q: Where do sheep go for summer vacation?
A: The Baa-hamas
Q. What U.S. state teaches math class all year long?
A. Mathachusetts.
Q. What do math teachers worry about during the summer?
A. Mathema-tick bites.
Q: What school subject do caterpillars miss most when school is out for the summer?
A: Mothematics.
Q. What did the circle say to the rectangle?
A: You’re such a square.
Q. Who’s in charge of the school during summer vacation?
A. The rulers.
Q. What do teachers use to light a campfire when school’s out?
A. Arithma-sticks.
Q. Why was the obtuse angle so upset on the last day of school?
A: Because he wasn’t right all year.
Q: What do lobsters do on the last day of school?
A: They shellabrate!
Q. Why was the warlock so bad at math?
A: He never knew WITCH equation to use.
Q: What is a math teacher’s favorite season?
A: Sum-mer.
Q. Why did the right triangle put the air conditioner on?
A: Because it was 90 degrees.
Q: What do they do on the last day of sheep school?
A: Have a baa-baa-cue.
Q: Why was the school cafeteria clock behind on the last day of school?
A: It went back four seconds.
Q. What was the weather like when the right angle went swimming?
A: It was 90 degrees.
Q. What’s snack did the teacher in Maine give her students on the last day of school?
A: Whoopie Pi.
Q. Why was the snake hate when school was over?
A: He was an Adder!
Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to the last day of school?
A: Because her students were so bright.
Q: What do elves need to learn before the last day of school?
A: The elf-abet.
Q. What is the most popular summer dessert for teachers in Georgia?
A: Peach pi.
Knock Knock
Who’s there!
B4 who?
B4 you leave for summer vacation, thank your teacher!
Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Dewey who?
Dewey get the whole summer off from school?
Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Justin who?
Just in time for the last day of school.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Noah who?
Noah more school – it’s summer vacation!
Remember to visit some of our other school-related pages: Jokes about School, Math Jokes, History Jokes, Summer Jokes and Beach Jokes.