Seasonal Jokes for Kids

Check out these funny kids jokes that relate to a specific season! You’ll find winter jokes, summer jokes, fall or autumn jokes and spring jokes. Great seasonal joke collections that are clean and family-friendly.

April Jokes for Kids

April Jokes

Got jokes about the month of April? Now you do! Check these April jokes out...
March Jokes - for Kids

March Jokes

Funny March jokes for kids! Not only are these jokes about the month of March funny, but these jokes are clean and safe for all ages.
May Jokes for Kids

May Jokes

Funny May jokes for kids! Not only are these jokes about the month of May funny, but these jokes are clean and safe for all ages.
Spring Jokes for Kids

Spring Jokes

Funny spring jokes for kids! Not only are these spring jokes funny, but these jokes about spring are clean and safe for all ages. These...
Puns for Valentines

Valentine Puns

There's something punny about these Valentine puns.
Heart Jokes for Valentines

Heart Jokes for Valentines

You're going to love these fun heart jokes - for Valentine or anytime.
Cold Weather Jokes

Cold Weather Jokes

Chill out with this collection of funny cold weather jokes.
Funny Cupid Jokes

Cupid Jokes

You're going to LOVE these Cupid Jokes for Valentine's Day - or any time...
New Year's Jokes

New Year Jokes

Ring in the new year with these funny New Year's Jokes.
Mistletoe Jokes - Jokes for Christmas

Mistletoe Jokes

Check out these funny mistletoe jokes, puns and riddles for Christmas holiday parties!
Snow Knock Knock Jokes

Snow Knock-Knock Jokes

Chill out with this fun collection of snow knock knock jokes.
Christmas Tree Jokes - Kids Christmas Tree Jokes

Christmas Tree Jokes

Make trimming the tree more fun than ever with these funny Christmas Tree jokes.
Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes for Kids

Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes

These Thanksgiving knock knock jokes are going to tickle your funny bone.
Jokes about Snow

Snow Jokes

These jokes about snow are snow funny that they're sure to make you smile.

Recent Jokes