A funny collection of potato jokes awaits you. You’ll find potato puns, riddles and humor about various types of potatoes! One of the most consumed vegetables in the world, potatoes have earned a place in the world of jokes.
These clean potato jokes are funny for kids and adults of all ages. They are great for parents, teachers, gardeners, farmers, cooks and anyone else looking to share a laugh about potatoes.
This collection of potato jokes is most popular during the holidays because potatoes are often served as a side dish for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We also have a collection of Sweet Potato and Yam jokes you can check out.
Potato Jokes and Puns
Q: What kind of potato starts arguments?
A: An agi-tater.
Q: Why was the potato actor so happy?
A: He got a lead role in Plants vs. Zombies.
Q: Why didn’t the potato want to go to the Halloween dance party?
A: He was afraid of the Monster Mash.
Q: What do you call a monkey who makes potato chips?
A: A Chipmunk.
Q: Who is the most powerful potato in the galaxy?
A: Darth Tater.
Q: What do you call a potato with right angles?
A: A square root.
Q: Why aren’t potatoes able to get out and work?
A: Because they’re couch potatoes
Q: What did the computer need to run the gardening app?
A: A potato chip.
Q: Why was the potato such a bully?
A: Because it wasn’t a sweet potato.
Q: What do they call stolen yukon gold?
A: Hot potatoes.
Q: What’s the difference between mashed potatoes and pea soup?
A: Anybody can mash potatoes.
Q: What do you get when it rains potatoes?
A: Spuddles.
Q: Why are potatoes so popular?
A: They are a-peeling.
Q: What do you name a potato that’s been thinly sliced?
A: Chip.
Q: Why do potatoes make such good detectives?
A: Because they keep their eyes peeled.
Q: What do you call a spinning potato?
A: A rotate-o.
Q: Who was the potato’s favorite author?
A: Edgar Allen Poe-tato.
Q: What do you call potatoes that turn to the dark side?
A: Vader Tots.
Q: What do potatoes eat for breakfast?
A: Pota-toast with jelly.
Q: What kind of socks should you wear to plant potatoes?
A: Garden hose.
Q: What do you get when it rains potatoes?
A: Spuddles.
Q: Why did the potato cross the road?
A: It saw a fork up ahead.
Q: Why did the police officer pull over the potato?
A: It was peeling out.
Q: Why shouldn’t you ever tell a secret on a farm?
A: Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the beans stalk.
Q: What was the potato’s favorite sci-fi show?
A: Starch Trek.
Q: How do you cheer up a baked potato?
A: You butter him up.
Q: How did they describe the potato who won an olympic medal?
A: Spudtacular
Q: Why did the baseball loving potato want to be when he grew up?
A: A sports commen-tater.
Q: Why do potatoes make such good detectives?
A: Because they don’t have eyes.
Q: Why was the potato so quiet?
A: It was a medi-tator.
Q: Why was the potato wearing socks?
A: To keep is pota-toes warm.
Q: What do you call a potato who is slow to act?
A: A Hez a tater.
Q: What was the potatoes favorite police show?
A: CHiPs
Q: Why couldn’t the tater buy new clothes?
A: He was a po tater
Q: What did they say to the well-dressed potato?
A: You look smashing.
Q: What made the mashed potatoes turn red?
A: It saw the salad dressing.
Q: What do you call an android potato?
A: A ro-tot.
Q: What do soccer players call the potatoes who watch them play?
A: Spec-Taters.
Q: What do you call a baby potato?
A: A small fry.
Q: What’s the most expensive potato?
A: Yukon GOLD.
Q: Why was the spud wearing socks?
A: To keep is pota-toes warm.
Q: Why are sweet potatoes able to get so much work done?
A: Because they’re not couch potatoes
Potato Knock Knock Jokes
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Edgar who?
Edgar Allan Poe-tato.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Tomato who?
You say to-may-to, I say po-tot-o.