Thor jokes, Thor riddles, Thor puns, one-liners and knock-knock jokes for fans of the Marvel Comics superhero known as Thor.
These clean Thor jokes are funny for kids, adults, parents, teachers, superhero fans, Marvel fans and people of all ages.
Thor is probably most famous as a member of the Avengers from Marvel Comics. But he was also associated with Warriors Three, Thor Corps, God Squad and Avengers Unity Squad
Thor’s full name is Thor Odinson and he is an Asgardian from the planet Asgard. Some of the names and aliases used for Thor includes God of Thunder, Siegmund, Siegfried, Dr. Donald Blake, Jake Olson, Sigurd Jarlson, Eric Masterson, Odinson, and Herald of Thunder.
Thor’s father is Odin, his mother is the goddess Gaea and his brother is Loki. Thor gets much of his power from his enchanted hammer, which is called Mjolnir. It allows him to fly and command the weather. Thor is also very powerful (he can lift planets), a skilled warrior and is very difficult to hurt.
These jokes about Thor include Thor riddles, puns, one-liners and knock-knock jokes.
We hope you enjoy these funny Thor jokes. If you’re a Superhero fan, then make sure you check out some of these other related joke collections: Iron Man Jokes, Ant-Man Jokes, Wonder Woman Jokes, Spiderman Jokes, Supergirl Jokes, Superman Jokes, Black Panther Jokes, The Flash Jokes, Batman Jokes and Superhero Jokes (collection of random superhero jokes).
Thor Jokes
Q: What did Thor say after he smashed the car with his hammer?
A: Thorry
Thor didn’t eat any of the pretzels at the party. Guess he didn’t want to get thorsty.
Q: Who are Thor’s favorite characters in Mario Bros?
A: Hammer Bros.
Q: What is the Avengers favorite week day?
A: THOR-sday.
Q: How did Thor fix the broken Infinity Gauntlet?
A: A lot of Super Glue
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Odin who?
Odint you meet my son Thor?
Q: How does Thor keep his suit from getting wrinkled?
A: With help from Iron Man.
Q: Why was Thor avoiding his brother?
A: He Odin money.
Q: What dance style does Thor find annoying?
A: The Loki-Pokey.
Some people say that Thor’s father was pretty amazing, but I think he was fairly Odin-ary…
Q: Why did it take Thor so long to find his brother?
A: He couldn’t Loki-ate him.
Q: Why did all the pictures come out dark from Thor’s holiday party?
A: They forgot to invite the Flash.
Q: Who is Thor’s favorite singer?
A: MC Hammer
Q: Why did Thor bring Wonder Woman with him to the used car dealer?
A: So she could use her Lasso of Truth on the salesman.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Thor who?
Thorsty after that long journey!
Q: Why didn’t Thor notice his brother at the dinner party?
A: Because he was Low-Key…
Q: What does Thor put in his lemonade?
A: Just ice.
Q: Why does Thor hate playing games of luck?
A: Because he is a Thor loser!
Q: What is Thor’s favorite food?
A: Thor-tillas
Q: What is Thor’s favorite drink?
A: Fruit punch.
Q: What is Thor’s favorite breakfast cereal?
A: Loki charms.
Q: What did Thor say to Spider Man?
A: Don’t bug me.
Q: What party game does Thor like most?
A: The scAVENGER hunt.
Q: How did Thor send secret messages?
A: Norse code.
Q: What do you call a dinosaur who wields a hammer?
A: A Brachio-Thor-us.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Thor who?
Thort you would know who I was!
Q: What does Thor always do on his birthday?
A: He becomes a year older!
Q: Why was Thor avoiding his brother?
A: He Odin money.
Q: Why couldn’t the Herald of Thunder move after running the marathon?
A: He was too thore.
Q: Who is Thor’s favorite singer?
A: MC Hammer
Q: Why didn’t Thor’s hair dryer work in Batman’s cave?
A: Thor’s hair dryer wasn’t from the DC universe so he could’t plug it in. (Thor is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Q: What sports competition is Thor best at?
A: The Thor de France (a bicycyle race in France)
Q: Why did Thor get heartburn after eating birthday cake?
A: He forgot to take off the candles.
Q: How did Mr. Odinson figure out the math problem?
A: He use a calcula-THOR.
Q: How did Thor get down from the moon?
A: They can’t – you only get down from a goose.
Q: Why did Thor lose his lightning power?
A: Because his father grounded him
Don’t forget to check out some of these other related superhero joke collections: Iron Man Jokes, Ant-Man Jokes, Wonder Woman Jokes, Spiderman Jokes, Supergirl Jokes, Superman Jokes, Black Panther Jokes, The Flash Jokes, Batman Jokes and Superhero Jokes (collection of random superhero jokes).