Funny Apple Cider Puns are especially “punny” during the fall apple harvest season, but these puns about apple cider are good anytime of the year.
If you’re looking for Apple Cider Puns, then you’re really going to enjoy this collection of puns. We also have these collections: apple cider jokes and apple Jokes.
These clean apple cider puns are funny for kids of all ages. Family-friendly for parents, teachers, apple growers and everyone who enjoys apple cider. Take these puns about apples
along a trip to an apple orchard this season!
How many apples does it take to make a glass of cider? It takes about 16 apples to make one 8-ounce glass of the apple cider! That’s a lot of apples! The sweetest varieties include Gala, Fuji, Cortland, Golden Delicious and Red Delicious.
Apple Cider Puns
Darth Vader likes his cider made with Empire apples…
Cider from crab apples always seems to make me grouchy…
Tried to make cider the other day but had a really hard time pressing the pine apples…
Ciderday is the best day of the week to drink apple cider…
The detective finally solved the mystery at the orchard after pressing the apples for clues…
Mamma always told me I might have bad cider-ffects from drinking expired cider…
The local apple grower was just sent to federal prison for in-cider trading…
Every day is an apple-solutely wonderful day for cider!
My wife and I plan to buy a cider mill and live apple-y ever after.
I couldn’t decide if I should make spiced apple cider, so I mulled it over for awhile.
It’s chilly at the cider orchard, so I plan to wear apple-over.
Going to the local apple orchard was a very fruitful experience.
You should apple-ogize if you spill cider on someone…
My mom was on a bench at the apple orchard, so I went and sat be-cider.
I’d be hard pressed to think of a better thing to drink than apple cider.
Someone spilled their drink on my I-pad. The FBI thinks it was a cider attack.
I’m thinking about starting an apple cider business, but I haven’t decidered yet…
They just announced there will be a cider shortage on the news… it will be a pressing issue for local farmers.
My Grandma said that only green apples should be pressed for cider, but that may just be one of Granny’s myths.
SUNY Cortland serves the sweetest apple cider…
King Tut served the best apple cider… he used his mummies recipe.
Pirates treasure apple cider made with JonaGOLD.
The apple cider party at the library sure was quite. We all had to use our incider voices.
Granny Smith makes the best apple cider in our family!
I’m told you can only press one apple at a time to make apple cider… if you pressed two, it would be a pear…