Werewolf Jokes for all ages, including werewolf puns, riddles, one-liners and knock-knock jokes.
This collection of werewolf jokes are perfect for Halloween – or anytime. Great for teachers, parents, grandparents and anyone else looking for jokes about werewolves.
One of the good things about these werewolf jokes is that they are clean and appropriate for all ages – so no worries!
Fun fact about werewolves: A werewolf, which can also be called a lycanthrope, is a mythical creature who can change itself from a human to a wolf. Many times, this change (or ‘shift’), comes because of a full moon.
We hope you enjoy these werewolf puns, riddles and jokes. When you’re through grinning your way through them, you might want to check out these collections: Ghost Jokes, Mummy Jokes, Banshee Jokes, Witch Jokes, Gargoyle Jokes, Headless Horseman Jokes, Jack o Lantern Jokes, and all of our Halloween Jokes.
Werewolf Jokes for Kids
Q: How did the tiny Scottish dog feel when he saw a werewolf?
A: Terrier-fied.
Q: What did the werewolf say when he met the vampire?
A: Fleas to meet you.
Q: What did one werewolf say when he saw his friend?
A: Howl’s it going?
Q: Did you hear about the wolf who ate too much garlic?
A: His breathe was worse than his bite.
Q: What do you call a werewolf with a fever?
A: A hot dog.
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Q: What do you call a werewolf that uses bad language?
A: A swearwolf
Q: Who are cousins of the werewolf?
A: What-wolf and When-wolf
Q: Why don’t werewolves make good dancers?
A: They have two left feet.
Q: What kind of werewolf can track down flowers ?
A: A bud hound
Q: How do you make a werewolf laugh?
A: Give it a funny bone.
Q: What happens when you cross a werewolf with a cat?
A: You have to get a new cat.
Q: What did the wolfman say when he met his new neighbor?
A: Hey, howl are you?
Q: Where do werewolves store their things?
A: In a were-house
Jokes About Werewolves
Q: Where do werewolf go if their tails fall off?
A: A re-tail store.
Q: What do you call a silly werewolf in Australia ?
A: A dingo-ling
Q: What city do most werewolves live?
A: Howllywood, California
Q: What time is it when a werewolf sees your dinner?
A: Time to get a new dinner.
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Q: What is a werewolf’s favorite band?
A: Meatloaf.
Q: What did the werewolf say when he sat on sandpaper?
A: Ruff.
Q: What do you call a lycanthrope who gets lost?
A: A where-wolf.
Q: What do you call a really cold, young werewolf?
A: A pupsicle.
Q: Why did the poor dog chase his tail?
A: He was trying to make ends meet.
Q: What do werewolves read to their children before bed?
A: Hairy tails
Q: Why did the monster name his werewolf “Frost”?
A: Because Frost-bites.
Q: What did the cowboy say when the werewolf ate his dog?
A: Doggone.
Q: What happened to the wolf who fell into the dishwasher?
A: He became a wash and werewolf.
Q: How do you prevent a werewolf from attacking you?
A: Throw a stick and yell fetch.
Q: How do you know that a werewolf has been in your fridge?
A: There are paw prints in the butter.
Q: What happened when the werewolf went to the flea circus?
A: He stole the show.
Q: How do you make a werewolf stew?
A: Keep him waiting.
Werewolf Jokes for Halloween
Q: How does a werewolf eat ice cream?
A: With it’s mouth like everyone else.
Q: What did the werewolf say to his friend who missed school?
A: Howl are you?
Q: What was the werewolf in the butcher’s shop arrested for?
A: Chop-lifting.
Q: What do you call a dentist who cleans a werewolf’s teeth?
A: Dinner.
Q: What did the waiter say to the werewolf?
A: bone-appetit!
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Q: What do you call a cold werewolf?
A: A Chilli Dog.
Q: Why was the werewolf upset with the skeleton?
A: He had a bone to pick with him.
Q: What time is it when ten werewolf chase someone?
A: 10 After 1.
Q: Where do werewolves sit?
A: Anywhere they want.
Q: How do werewolves stop a dvd?
A: They press the paws button.
Q: What do you call a werewolf who cuts down trees?
A: A timber wolf.
Q: Where did the strange werewolf actor live?
A: Howllywierd, California
Q: What type of markets do werewolves avoid?
A: Flea markets.
Werewolf Jokes for School Teachers
Q: Where does a werewolf sit on a bus?
A: Anywhere it wants.
Q: What should you call a lost wolf?
A: A Where-Wolf.
Q: What’s more amazing than a talking werewolf?
A: A spelling bee.
Q: What do you call a beast at the full-moon who wears clothes?
A: A wear-wolf.
Q: What did the werewolf say when the cyclops stepped on his paw?
A: Aaooowwwwch!
Q: What do you get when you cross a werewolf and a hyena?
A: A monster with a sense of humor.
Q: What do werewolf like for breakfast?
A: Pooched eggs.
Q: What did the werewolf say to the flea?
A: Stop bugging me.
Q: What do you call a dog that meditates?
A: Aware wolf.
Q: How did the little dog feel when it saw a werewolf?
A: Terrier-fied.
Q: Why did the werewolf cross the road?
A: It was chasing the chicken.
Q: What happened when the werewolf swallowed a clock?
A: He got ticks.
Q: Why did the werewolf’s mom yell at him for eating all of his Halloween candy?
A: Bad manners because he wolfed it down.
Top 10 Werewolf Jokes – Knock Knock Collection
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Harry who?
Harry werewolf at your door!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Albi who?
Albi hiding from Werewolves!
Knock, Knock.
Who’s there?
Chuck who?
Chuck to see if the Werewolf is gone.
Knock, Knock.
Who’s there?
Butter who?
Butter watch out for that hungry Werewolf!
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Hayden who?
Hayden from the Werewolves.
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Terri who?
Terrified of Werewolves…
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Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Harry who?
Harry up, there is a werewolf coming after me!
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Ice Cream.
Ice cream who?
Ice cream when I see a werewolf.
Knock, Knock.
Who’s there?
Armageddon who?
Armageddon away from that werewolf!
Knock, Knock.
Who’s there?
Eva who?
Eva see a werewolf howl at the moon?
Knock, Knock.
Who’s there?
Hope who?
Hope the werewolves don’t come out tonight.
Don’t forget to browse these other related joke collections: Ghost Jokes, Mummy Jokes, Banshee Jokes, Witch Jokes, Gargoyle Jokes, Headless Horseman Jokes, Jack o Lantern Jokes, and Halloween Jokes.