If you’re looking for sweet potato jokes, then you’re in the right place. This is the best collection of jokes about sweet potatoes and yams anywhere.
These clean sweet potato jokes include puns, riddles, one-liners, knock-knock jokes and more. They are funny for kids and adults of all ages!
Sweet potato jokes are especially popular around holidays – but are great any time of year. (see also: Thanksgiving Jokesand Christmas Jokes)
These jokes about sweet potatoes are perfect for parents, teachers, farmers, gardeners, biologists, chefs and anyone looking for some laughs.
Sweet Potato Jokes
Q: Why are sweet potatoes so popular?
A: They are a-peeling.
Q: What do you call a sweet potato after it’s been thinly sliced?
A: Chip.
Q: Who was the first to play cello at Thanksgiving Dinner?
A: Yam-Yam-Ma
Q: What do you call a stolen sweet potato?
A: A hot potato.
Q: What kind of junk email to potatoes get?
Q: What kind of sweet potato starts arguments?
A: An agi-tater.
Q: Why didn’t the sweet potato want to go to the Halloween dance party?
A: It was afraid of the Monster Mash.
Q: What did the sweet potato mom like to read as a bedtime story?
A: Green Eggs and Yam
Q: What do you call a monkey who makes sweet potato chips?
A: A Chipmunk.
Q: Why are sweet potatoes able to get so much work done?
A: Because they’re not couch potatoes
Q: What do soccer players call their sweet potato fans?
A: Speck Tators.
Q: Why can’t you get angry at a yam?
A: Because they’re such sweet potatoes.
Q: What’s the difference between mashed sweet potatoes and pea soup?
A: Anybody can mash sweet potatoes.
Q: Who is the smartest spud in the garden?
A: I yam
Q: What do you call a spinning sweet potato?
A: A rotate-o.
Q: How many grams of protein are in a slice of sweet potato pie?
A: 3.14159265…
Q: Who was the potato’s favorite author?
A: Edgar Allen Poe-tato.
Q: What did the sweet potato philosopher say to the potato?
A: I think, therefore I yam.
Q: What did the yam say to her friend after getting a gift?
A: You are so sweet.
Q: What do sweet potatoes eat for breakfast?
A: Pota-toast with jam.
Q: What kind of socks should you wear to plant sweet potatoes?
A: Garden hose.
Q: What show do sweet potato music stars always watch?
A: The Yammy awards.
Q: What do you get when you divide the circumference of a yam by its diameter?
A: sweet potato pi.
Q: What do you get when it rains sweet potatoes?
A: Spuddles.
Q: Why did the sweet potato cross the road?
A: It saw a fork up ahead.
Q: What was the sweet potato’s favorite sci-fi show?
A: Starch Trek.
Q: How do you cheer up a baked sweet potato?
A: You butter him up.
Q: How did they describe the sweet potato who won an olympic medal?
A: Spudtacular
Q: What do you call a baby sweet potato?
A: A small fry.
Q: What did the sport-loving sweet potato want to be when he grew up?
A: A sports commen-tater.
Q: Why don’t sweet potatoes make good detectives?
A: Because they don’t have eyes (regular potatoes have eyes).
Q: What did the mom say to her sweet potato son when he got a good grade?
A: That’s yamtastic!
Q: Why was the sweet potato so quiet?
A: It was a medi-tator.
Q: What did the grandmother yam say to her grandson?
A: Orange you cute?
Q: What did the sweet potato say when he took a bite of dessert?
A: Mmmm, this is so yammy.
Q: Why was the sweet potato wearing socks?
A: To keep is pota-toes warm.
Q: How do sweet potatoes know how many spaces to move their game pieces?
A: They casse-role the dice.
Q: Who do sweet potatoes spend the most time with?
A: Cinnamon and butter.
Q: Why did the police officer pull over the yam?
A: He was peeling out.
Q: Why wouldn’t the yam look at the turkey dressing?
A: Because it would make him blush.
Q: Why don’t you put the turkey near the sweet potatoes?
A: Because it will gobble, gobble, gobble it up.
Q: What’s the best thing to put into a sweet potato pie?
A: Your teeth.
Q: Why was the turkey asked to join the sweet potato band?
A: Because he had the drumsticks.
Q: Which team do yams cheer on during the final four?
A: The Syracuse Orange
Sweet Potato Knock Knock Jokes
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Edgar who?
Edgar Allan Sweet Poe-tato.
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Harry who?
Harry Sweet Potato.