Sweet Potato Jokes
These sweet potato and yam jokes are great anytime - but especially around Thanksgiving and Christmas. They're yamtastic!
Thanksgiving Dinner Jokes
Check out this great collection of jokes about Thanksgiving food, like pumpkins, turkey, stuffing and more. Safe for all ages!
Corn Jokes
Funny corn jokes for the whole family. Clean corn jokes, puns & riddles for kids, farmers, chefs, teachers & all corn lovers. Fun for Autumn holidays!
Cranberry Jokes
These funny cranberry jokes are great for Thanksgiving or anytime. Who knew you could laugh about cranberries?
Bread Jokes
Bread jokes and bread humor for bakers, bread lovers, holidays & food lovers. Clean bread jokes, puns & riddles for kids & adults.
Pilgrim Jokes
This collection of Pilgrim jokes is great for Thanksgiving or anytime. These jokes about Pilgrims are safe for kids of all ages.
Thanksgiving Jokes
Thanksgiving jokes, riddles, puns & knock-knock jokes. Clean Thanksgiving jokes about pilgrims, turkey, colonists, pumpkins, food & more.