Peanut Butter Jokes

Peanut butter jokes that are funny anytime and especially for National Peanut Butter Day (which is January 24th in the United States).

Jokes about peanut butter, including puns, riddles, knock-knock, one-liners and more. Funny, clean peanut butter humor for all ages!

FYI: Peanut butter is made by grinding roasted peanuts.

Check out this collection of jokes about one of the most popular spreads in the world.

Peanut Butter Jokes for Kids

Q: Who answers the door at the nut house?
A: The peanut buttler.

Q: When did the peanut butter say it would arrive?
A: In a Jif.

Q: What did the grape say to the silly peanut butter?
A: You’re nuts!

Q: Why did the elephant cross the road?
A: To get to the peanut.

Q: Why did peanut butter donate to the high school booster club?
A: It’s Pro-Teen.

Q: Why did the peanut run across the busy highway?
A: It was nuts.

Bread: How’s it going Mr. Peanut Butter?
Mr. Peanut Butter: Same old grind…

Q: Why couldn’t the peanut butter afford a sandwich?
A: It needed bread.

Q: Wanna hear the secret joke about peanut butter?
A: Never mind, you might spread it…

Q: What did Linus but on his crackers?
A: Peanuts butter.

Q: Why did the man smear peanut butter on the road?
A: To go with the traffic jam.

Q: What did the guest say when it went to the peanut butter’s dinner party?
A: Nice spread…

Q: Why did the surfer put peanut butter on his surf board?
A: To go with the jellyfish.

Knock Knock.
Who’s there.
Peanut who.
Peanut, butter open the door!

Q: What did the peanut say to the elephant?
A: Not a thing… peanuts can’t talk!

Q: What kind of sandwiches do whales eat?
A: Peanut butter and Jellyfish.

Q: What did the pecan say when he saw the food at Peanut Butter’s party?
A: Nice spread…

Q: How do you catch an elephant?
A: Act like a peanut!

Q: Why couldn’t the peanut finish the project?
A: Work came to a grinding halt.

Q: What do they call a peanut on the International Space Station?
A: An astronut!

Q: What makes a traffic jam better?
A: Adding peanut butter to it.

Q: Where do peanuts get their energy?
A: A Shell station.

Q: What do they feed to the craziest bank robbers on their court day?
A: Pleanut butter.

Q: What do lawyers put on sandwiches?
A: Plea-nut butter.

Q: What did the nutty baseball team need for their squeeze play?
A: Peanut Bunter…

Q: Why can’t you be friends with a jar of peanut butter?
A: They make everyone nutty.

Q: Why was the peanut butter upset about his retirement party?
A: He was roasted!

Q: What did the mommy say when her son asked for a peanut butter sandwich?
A: I’ll make it in a Jif.

Q: What competition do peanuts participate in?
A: The peanut butter cup.

Q: Which sandwich spread makes people itch?
A: Fleanut butter.

Q: Why are peanut butter jokes never kept a secret?
A: Someone always spreads it around.

Q: How does peanut butter communicate?
A: Sticky-Notes.