This is a huge collection of strawberry jokes! If you’re looking for jokes about strawberries, riddles and puns, then you’re going to love this.
Not only are there a lot of funny strawberry jokes here, but they are clean and safe for kids of all ages. Perfect for parents, teachers, strawberry farmers, canning enthusiasts, grocers and everyone who enjoys strawberries!
Strawberries come to mind a lot during the spring and summer months, but these jokes about strawberries are good any time of year!
Jokes about Strawberries
Q: What did the strawberry say when he was given a gift?
A: Then you berry much.
Q: What made the strawberry such a smoothie?
A: Yogurt!
Q: Who scared the strawberry?
A: The booberry.
Q: What do you call a sad strawberry?
A: A blueberry.
Q: Why did the strawberry go out with the fig?
A: Because he couldn’t find a date.
Q: How did the unripe strawberry feel about the ripe strawberry?
A: It was green with envy.
Q: What do you throw a drowning strawberry?
A: A strawberry preserver.
Q: Why were the little strawberries upset?
A: Because their parents were in a jam.
Q: What looks like half a strawberry?
A: The other half.
Q: Why wouldn’t anyone ask the strawberry to the prom?
A: It was past her sell by date.
Q: What did one strawberry say to the other strawberry?
A: If you weren’t so sweet, we wouldn’t be in this jam.
Q: Where do they make strawberries?
A: The strawberry plant.
Q: Why did everyone like the strawberry so much?
A: Because it was so sweet.
Q: What did the woman say to her dog, Berry, after he ripped up her fruit garden.
A: That’s the final straw berry!
Q: What do you call strawberries playing the guitar?
A: A jam session.
Q: What did the strawberry say to the bird?
A: Nothing. Strawberries can’t talk.
Q: What is a turkey’s favorite dessert?
A: Strawberry gobbler.
Q: What do you do if you see a blue strawberry?
A: Try to cheer it up.
Q: What did the strawberry tart say to the pecan pie?
A: You’re Nuts!
Q: What did the apple say to the green strawberry?
A: You don’t look like you’re feeling so good…
Q: What do you call a strawberry that uses foul language?
A: Berry Rude.
Q: Why wouldn’t Winnie the Pooh eat the strawberries?
A: He was already stuffed.
Q: What job did the daddy strawberry get in the circus?
A: He was the straw-ng man
Q: Who led all the strawberries to the bakery?
A: The Pie Piper
Q: Why was the strawberry afraid of the cream?
A: The cream went bad.
Q: What do you get when you cross a train engine with an strawberry tart?
A: Puff pastry.
Q: Why did the man eat strawberries at the bank?
A: He wanted to eat rich food.
Q: Who was the best rock and roll strawberry?
A: Chuck Berry.
Q: Why wasn’t the unripe strawberry named the starter in thefootball game?
A: He was too green.
Q: What’s the best thing to put in a strawberry pie?
A: Your teeth!
Q: How do you make an strawberry turnover?
A: Push it down a hill.
Q: Where does Paul McCartney get his favorite fruit?
A: Strawberry fields.
Q: How many grams of protein are in a strawberry pi?
A: 3.14159265
Q: Why couldn’t anyone find the dog’s bone?
A: He berried it.
Q: What is red and goes up and down?
A: A strawberry in an elevator.
Q: When are strawberries bad for your health?
A: When you’re the strawberry.
Q: Why was the strawberry so good at running races?
A: He was always juiced up and ready to go.
Q: How did the innocent blueberry get framed for the crime?
A: The evidence was a strawberry plant.
Q: What do you call a sad strawberry?
A: A blueberry.
Q: How do you fix a strawberry?
A: With a strawberry patch.
Q: Why did the strawberry get so many Valentines?
A: Because it was really sweet.
Q: What’s red and is used to write letters?
A: A ball-point strawberry.
Q: What’s red and always points north?
A: A magnetic strawberry.
Q: Why don’t strawberries drive?
A: They always get into a traffic jam.
Q: How do you make a Strawberry shake?
A: Put it into the freezer.
Q: Why did the strawberry turn red?
A: Because they saw the salad dressing.
Q: Why was the strawberry so good as a reporter?
A: He always had fruitful discussions.
Q: What dessert does a turkey like?
A: Strawberry gobbler.
Q: What do strawberries say during the holidays?
A: Straw-berrrry Christmas.
Q: How did the fruit basket get across the lake?
A: The strawferry.
Q: What did the fruit pirate wear over his eye?
A: A strawberry patch.