Check out this great collection of jokes about figure skating. These figure skating jokes are great for figure skaters, skating instructors, the winter olympics, and anyone who wants to laugh about something related to figure skating.
These clean figure skating jokes are good for all ages. If you’re a figure skating fan, load up on some of these figure skating jokes to share with friends and family. These jokes about skating are especially fun during the winter Olympics.
If you have a son or daughter who loves figure skating, then put a few of these in their lunch box for school. It’s always nice to give them something to smile about during the day!
Jokes about Figure Skating
Q: What does chemistry and figure skating have in common?
A: Elements.
Q: What skating move does Bruce Sprinsteen look for during the Olympics.
A: Rocker turn.
Q: Why did the figure skater gain so much weight?
A: She 8 a lot.
Q: Why does a figure skating rink get warm after a competition?
A: Because all the fans have left.
Q: What time is it when a pair of figure skaters chases a baseball team?
A: 2 after nine. (9:02)
Q: What is the hardest foot to buy a figure skate for?
A: A square foot.
Q: Why do figure skaters work in bakeries when they retire?
A: They’re great at icing cakes.
Q: Why did the boa constrictor sign up for skating lessons?
A: To learn the serpentine lift.
Q: Why was Cinderella such a bad figure skater?
A: Her coach was a pumpkin.
Q: Which figure skater has the biggest skates?
A: The one with the biggest feet.
Q: Who was the figure skater’s favorite band singer?
A: Axel Rose
Q: How do figure skaters stay cool?
A: By sitting next to the fans.
Q: How do you know if you’re a figure skater?
A: When you hear a song, you map out the choreography in your head.
Q: Which figure skater can jump higher than the judges table?
A: All of them – a table can’t jump.
Q: Why is Cinderella such a bad figure skater?
A: She always loses a skate.
Q: What did the figure skater order for dinner?
A: A Rittberger.
Q: How is music like figure skater?
A: If you don’t “C sharp” you’ll “B flat.”
Q: What did the army captain say to the skaters?
A: Forwards… skate!
Q: What is the hardest foot to buy an ice skate for?
A: A square foot.
Q: What does a bad figure skater and the Titanic have in common?
A: They both look good until they hit the ice.
Q: What was the figure skater’s favorite part of her birthday party?
A: The icing on the cake.
Q: What do a dentist and a figure skating coach have in common?
A: They both use drills!
Q: Where do figure skaters go to get a new uniform?
A: New Jersey.
Q: Why did the figure skater cross the rink?
A: To get to the other side.
Q: Why was there a pig at the figure skating competition?
A: He drove the hambony.
Q: Why shouldn’t you tell jokes while figure skating?
A: Because the ice might crack up!
Q: What do you call a monkey who wins the gold medal in Olympic figure skating?
A: A chimpion.
Q: What did the skeleton drive to the figure skating competition?
A: A Zam-bony.
Q: What did the skater say when the zamboni broke down?
A: Figures…
Q: What style of mobile phone do skaters choose most often?
A: Flip style.
Q: What was the figure skater’s favorite band?
A: Spin Doctors
Q: Why did the beginner figure skater get a tattoo of a butterfly on her leg?
A: It was the only way she could make a butterfly jump.
Q: What was the figure skater’s favorite lunch dish?
A: Charlotte spiral pasta salad
Q: What do you call a person who walks back and forth screaming one minute, then sits down weeping uncontrollably the next?
A: A figure skating coach
Q: What do figure skaters do when they meet someone new?
A: They say something to break the ice.
Q: How are scrambled eggs like a losing figure skater?
A: They’ve both been beaten.
Q: Why couldn’t the figure skater get into the competition?
A: She could never remember the combination.
Q: Why wasn’t U2 allowed to play before the skating competition?
A: Edge violation.
Q: Why didn’t the figure skater bring his wallet to the skating rink?
A: It was free skating that day.
Q: What was the figure skater’s job when she wasn’t competing?
A: Haircutter.
Q: Why did the figure skater bring a water bottle to his practice session?
A: The coach said they would be working on hydroblading.
Q: Why couldn’t the figure skater answer the phone?
A: She was Ina Bauer at the time.
Q: What figure skating move was Roy Rogers most known for?
A: Lasso lift
Q: What was the lazy figure skater’s favorite move?
A: Layback spin.
Q: Why did the figure skater leave practice early to get something to eat?
A: He heard the coach say it was time for Lunge.
Q: What skating element was Mr. T’s favorite?
A: Mohawk turn.
Q: Which skating move can you find on an IHOP menu?
A: Pancake spin.
Q: Which spin in figure skating was the Rap DJ’s favorite?
A: Scratch spin.
Q: Why did the farmer buy skates for his lambs?
A: To teach them the sheep jump.
Q: Which candy is a favorite of figure skaters?
A: Twizzlers.
Q: Why was the figure skater’s barbecue such a success?
A: She didn’t over-rotate the chicken.
Q: What is the most often asked questions at a figure skating competition?
A: Y-spin.
Q: When did the figure skater know he would make a great politician?
A: When he mastered the backspin.
Q: Why did the figure skater think he could practice medicine?
A: He passed the boards.
Q: What did the cowboy figure skater ride to the Olympic competition?
A: A Zam-pony.
Q: What did the skeleton figure skater drive to skating practice?
A: A zam-bony.