Here are some of the best birthday jokes for kids, parents and teachers to share on this special day.
This collection of birthday jokes are great for birthday party favors, birthday party games, birthday card and for all-around birthday fun. All the birthday jokes are clean and safe for kids of all ages.
Related joke collections: Knock Knock Birthday Jokes and Pizza Jokes.
Did You Know…
When your age and the date of birth are same, it is a special day known as your Golden Birthday. So if you where born on the 10th of the month, your 10th birthday would be your golden birthday. Also, July, August, and September are the most popular months for birthdays!
Birthday Jokes
Q: Why did the man get heartburn after eating birthday cake?
A: He forgot to take off the candles.
Q: How old was the cave man on his birthday?
A: Stone Age.
Q: What does every birthday end with?
A: The letter Y.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Abby who?
Abby birthday!
Q: What does a birthday cake and a baseball team have in common?
A: They both need good batters.
Q: Why are candles lit on top of birthday cakes?
A: It’s impossible to light them on the bottom.
Q: What did the grumpy birthday candle say at the party?
A: Birthdays burn me up.
Q: When would you hit a birthday cake with a hammer?
A: When it’s a pound cake.
Q: Why couldn’t the teddy bear finish his piece of birthday cake?
A: He was stuffed.
Q: Where do you find the best birthday presents for cats?
A: In a cat-alogue.
Q: What kind of birthday cake do you get at a garbage?
A: A stomach-cake!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Abbey who?
Abbey birthday to you, Abbey birthday to you…
Q: Which famous men were born on your birthday?
A: None – only babies are born!
Q: What kind of birthday’s do babies have?
A: Nappy ones.
Q: What do George Washington, Christopher Columbus and Abraham Lincoln all have in common?
A: They were all born on holidays!
Q: What did the ice-cream say to the grumpy birthday cake?
A: What’s eating you?
Q: Why did the girl feel warm on her birthday?
A: Because people kept toasting her.
Q: What has wings, a long colorful tail, and wears a bow?
A: A birthday pheasant.
Q: Why are birthday so good for you?
A: I don’t know, but the people who have the most live the longest.
Q: What does every birthday end with?
A: The letter Y.
Q: Why did the boy get a pair of bunny ears as a gift?
A: So he could have a hoppy birthday
Q: How do you celebrate Moby Dick’s birthday?
A: With a whale of a party!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Bacon who?
Bacon a cake for your birthday.
Q: What did the lioness say to her cub on his birthday?
A: It’s roar birthday.
Q: Why do we put candles on top of a birthday cake?
A: Because it’s too hard to put them on the bottom
Q: What goes up and never comes down?
A: Your age!
Q: Why did friends hide from Sue on her birthday?
A: They wanted her to be Sue-prised.
Q: What did the young elephant want for it’s birthday?
A: A trunkful of toys.
Q: Why did the boy put the birthday cake in the freezer?
A: Because he wanted to ice it.
Q: Why do we put candles on the top of birthday cakes?
A: You can’t put them on the bottom.
Q: Why was the boy so hot on his birthday?
A: Because people kept toasting him.
Q: Why did the birthday cake want to go to the nurses office?
A: He was feeling crumby.
Q: What looks like half a birthday cake?
A: The other half.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Gus who?
Gus who’s birthday it is today?!
Q: What do George Washington and Abraham Lincoln have in common?
A: They were both born on a holiday.
Q: What do get every birthday?
A: Older!
Q: What did the Zen birthday cake say to the party guests?
A: Peace to you.
Birthday Riddle: Which type of birthday candle burns longer, a red candle or a blue one?
A: Neither, they both only burn shorter.
Q: What song did they sing to the dancer on her birthday?
A: Tappy birthday to you, tappy birthday to you…
Q: What did the hermit crab do on his birthday?
A: He shellabrated.
Q: When is a golf ball like a birthday cake?
A: When it’s being sliced.
Q: Why did the birthday cake go to see the doctor?
A: Because it was feeling crumby.
Q: What has a long tail, wings and wears a colorful bow?
A: A birthday pheasant.
Q: Why did the boy stand on his head at the birthday party?
A: He thought they were having upside-down cake
Q: What has wings, a plume, and wears a bow?
A: A birthday pheasant.
Q: Why did the boy get soap for his birthday?
A: It was a soaprize party!
Q: Which birthday party game do rabbits like most?
A: Musical hares.
Q: What kind of birthday cake do they serve in heaven?
A: Angel food cake.
Q: What do you sing to cows on their birthdays?
A: Happy birthday to moo…
Q: Why was the birthday cake so hard?
A: It was a marble cake.
Q: What did the cat ask to eat on her birthday?
A: Cake with MICE cream
Q: Why couldn’t cavemen send birthday cards?
A: The stamps kept falling off the rocks
Q: Why did the boy wear a tuxedo on his birthday?
A: So he would have great presence.
Q: When is a birthday cake like a golf ball?
A: When it’s sliced.
Q: Did you hear about the pine tree’s birthday?
A: It was really sappy.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Mark who?
Mark your calendar, because my birthday’s coming!
Q: Which side of a birthday cake is never eaten?
A: The left side…
Q: What do clams do on their birthday?
A: They shellabrate!
Q: What happens when no one shows up to your birthday party?
A: You CAN have your cake and eat it too.
Q: What kind of kittens cake do cats like for their birthdays?
A: Mice cream cake.
Q: Why did the boy put candles on the toilet?
A: He wanted to have a birthday potty.
Q: Why are birthday’s good for you?
A: People who have the most live the longest
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Sue who?
Sue-prize!! Happy birthday!
Q: Why did Sue’s friends hide from her on her birthday?
A: So whe would be sue-prised.
Q: What kind of birthday cake do elves always ask for?
A: Shortcake.
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