Skeleton Jokes

Skeleton jokes, riddles, puns and more. These Skeleton Jokes are perfect for Halloween, pirate themed parties, Minecraft parties or anytime you want to share a laugh. No bones about it, these are the best clean skeleton jokes you’ll find anywhere.

All of the jokes about skeletons below are appropriate for kids of all ages. They are perfect for school teachers and parents, especially around Halloween. They are fun for spooky parties, sitting around a campfire or for fans of scary stories.

Kids who play Minecraft will also have a blast with these Skeleton Jokes, and so will people who play Clash Royale because of the Skeleton Army.

You can also check out our Halloween Jokes for Kids for related, spooky jokes.

Skeleton Jokes for Kids

Q: What has 1854 bones and catches flies?
A: A skeleton baseball team.

Q: Who is the most famous skeleton detective?
A: Sherlock Bones.

Q: Why did the skeleton run up the tree?
A: A dog wanted to eat it’s bones.

Q: What was the skeleton’s favorite musical instrument?
A: The trom-bone.

Q: What do you call a skeleton who won’t work?
A: Lazy bones.

Q: What did the French skeleton call his friend?
A: Bone-ami.

Q: What song do skeleton bikers ride to?
A: Bone to be wild.

Q: Which baseball team do skeletons like most?
A: Pittsburgh Pirates

Q: Who was the skeleton’s favorite Star Trek character?
A: Bones McCoy

Q: What kind of birds do they find at skeleton beach?
A: Sea-skulls.

Q: How did skeletons send mail in the old days?
A: The bony express

Q: What did the skeleton say to his longtime girlfriend?
A: Will you marrow me?

Q: Why can’t skeletons be the church musician?
A: They don’t have any organs.

Q: Who is the most famous French skeleton?
A: Napoleon bone-apart..

Q: What do you call a skeleton who stays out in the snow too long?
A: A numbskull.

Q: What song do skeleton crooks listen to after a heist?
A: Bad to the Bone.

Skeleton Jokes that are Great for Halloween

Q: Why do skeletons hate winter?
A: The cold goes right through them.

Q: What kind of jokes do skeletons laugh at?
A: Humerus ones.

Q: What do skeletons use to clean the sink?
A: Bone-ami.

Q: Why did the skeleton go to the mechanic?
A: For body work.

Q: What kind of pasta do Italian skeletons eat?
A: Elbow macaroni.

Q: How did the skeleton know it was going to rain?
A: It could feel it in it’s bones

Q: Where did the skeleton go to fix it’s broken rib?
A: A spare rib restaurant

Q: What was the skeletons favorite rock band?
A: The Grateful Dead.

Q: What do you call a skeleton with garlic breath?
A: Bonely.

Q: What type of candy do skeletons avoid?
A: Jawbreakers.

Q: What do you call a skeleton who rings a Red Cross bell during the Holidays?
A: A dead ringer.

Q: Who won the skeleton beauty pageant?
A: No body…

Q: What did they call the skeleton after he did snow angels?
A: A numb-skull.

Q: How do skeletons contact other skeletons?
A: They use a telebone.

Q: What do you call a foolish skeleton?
A: Bonehead

Q: Why did the skeleton student go to the library?
A: He was boning up for his exams.

Q: What did the skeleton say to the vampire?
A: You suck.

Q: Why do skeletons laugh at all of these jokes?
A: Because they all have a funny bone.

Q: How did the skeleton know it was a rainy day?
A: He could feel it on his bones

Skeleton Jokes for Teachers

Q: Why are skeletons so calm?
A: Nothing gets under their skin…

Q: Why were the police looking for the skeleton?
A: He was bad to the bone.

Q: What kind of plate do skeletons eat on?
A: Bone china.

Q: Why couldn’t the skeleton sky dive?
A: He didn’t have the guts.

Q: Why did the skeleton go to the dance?
A: To see the boogie man.

Q: When does a skeleton laugh?
A: When someone tickles it’s funny bone.

Q: What happened to the pirate ship that sank at sea?
A: It came back with a skeleton crew.

Q: How do skeletons say hello?
A: Bonejour

Q: Why do skeletons like to drink milk?
A: Milk is good for your bones.

Q: What do skeletons say as they head out to sea?
A: Bone voyage!

Q: What do you call a silly skeleton?
A: A numbskull.

Q: Why couldn’t the police arrest the skeleton?
A: They couldn’t pin anything on him.

Q: Which football team do skeletons like most?
A: Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Q: What do old skeletons complain about?
A: Aching bones.

Funny Skeleton Jokes for Kids

Q: When do skeletons smile?
A: When something tickles it’s funny bone.

Q: Why don’t skeletons like cold weather?
A: It sends chills up their spines.

Q: What do you call a skeleton’s lie?
A: A FIBula…

Q: What do they call a skeleton snake?
A: A rattler…

Q: What do skeletons do when they’re bored?
A: Watch skelevision.

Q: How did the skeleton know another skeleton was lying?
A: It could see right through him.

Q: What do you call a skeleton who uses a door bell?
A: A dead ringer.

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the Halloween party?
A: He had no body to dance with.

Q: What do skeleton baseball players do when they’re at bat?
A: They bont (bunt)

Q: What Jersey rock band do skeletons like most?
A: Bone Jovi.

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go to the scary movie?
A: He didn’t have the guts.

Q: What do skeletons say before they begin eating?
A: Bone appetite.

Q: What does a skeleton say when it gets angry with someone?
A: I’ve got a bone to pick with you.

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton eat spicy food?
A: He didn’t have the stomach for it.

  • Q: What construction site job did the skeleton have?
    A: He was a cranium operator.

    Q: What do monsters use to get into their castles?
    A: Skeleton keys.

    Skeleton Jokes are Fun for Kids Who Play Minecraft

    Q: What do skeletons order at restaurants?
    A: Spare ribs

    Q: Why didn’t the skeleton want to play baseball?
    A: His heart wasn’t in it.

    Q: Why did the skeleton go to hospital?
    A: To have his ghoul bladder removed.

    Q: What do you call a skeleton who always tells lies?
    A: A phoney boney.

    Q: What instrument do hip skeleton’s play?
    A: A sax-a-bone.

  • Q: Why did the skeleton move to Hollywood?
    A: He wanted tibia star!

    Q: What happened to the boat that sank in a river of piranha fish?
    A: It returned with a skeleton crew.

    Q: What happened to the skeleton who sat in the dessert too long?
    A: He became bone dry.

    Skeleton Jokes for Clash Royale Players

    Q: What did one skeleton say to the other skeletons in the skeleton army?
    A: Look out, those arrows are coming right for us!

    Q: Why are skeletons so relaxed?
    A: Nothing gets under their skin.

    Q: What did the witch say to her slowest skeleton?
    A: I’ve got a bone to pick with you…

    Who’s there?
    Skar who?
    Skarmy is coming for your castle!

    Q: What did the skeleton stay home from school?
    A: He was running a femur…

    Q: Why was the skeleton underground?
    A: Because a dog buried him!

    Q: What did the skeleton fly in when he visited Hawaii?
    A: A skele-copter.

    Q: What type of artist was the skeleton?
    A: A skullptor.

    Q: Why did the skeleton cross the road?
    A: To get to the body shop.

    10 Funny Skeleton Jokes

    1. Q: What’s rock band do skeletons from New Jersey listen to?
      A: Bone Jovi.

    2. Q: Where do skeletons eat when they visit the mall?
      A: Cinnabone.

    3. Q: What type of movie do skeletons watch on Halloween?
      A: Spine-tinglers.

    4. Q: What do skeletons post on their social media pages?
      A: Skelfies.

    5. Q: What did the motorcycle riding skeleton say when he zoomed away?
      A: I’m bone to be wild!

    6. Q: What did the skeleton use to cut through the tall grass?
      A: A shoulder blade.

    7. Q: How did skeletons send mail in the old west?
      A: Via bony express.

    8. Q: How heavy are elephant skeletons?
      A: They weigh skele-TONS.

    9. Q: What type of art are skeletons most known for?
      A: Skulltures…

    10. Q: Why do skeletons only drink milk?
      A: It’s good for their bones.