Mayflower jokes are popular around Thanksgiving, but are also great for history class.
The Mayflower was a ship that brought the first English Puritans (Pilgrims) from Plymouth, England, to the New World in 1620.
These Mayflower jokes are clean and safe for kids of all ages. Great for parents, Thanksgiving day, Pilgrim Day, history teachers and anyone looking for some smiles relating to the Mayflower.
Jokes About the Mayflower
Q: What came after the Mayflower?
A: The Juneflower.
Q: How did the Pilgrims bring their cows to America?
A: On the Mooooo-flower.
Q: What kind of music did the Pilgrims like to listen to?
A: Plymouth Rock.
Q: What did one turkey say to the other when they saw the Pilgrims land at Plymouth rock?
A: They look nice. Maybe they’ll have us over for dinner.
Q: If pilgrims travel on the Mayflower, then what do college students travel on?
A: The Scholar Ships.
Q: If there were still Pilgrims alive today, what would they be famous for?
A: Their age!
Q: What’s a pilgrim’s mother called?
A: Pilgranny.
Q: What kind of cars would pilgrims drive today?
A: Plymouths.
Q: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
A: Pilgrims!
Q:What kind of tan did pilgrims get?
A: Puritan.
Q: What kind of face do pilgrims make when they’re in pain?
A: Pil-grimace.
Q: What do pilgrim’s learn in school?
A: Pilgrammar.
Q: What’s the smallest unit of measurement in the pilgrim cookbook?
A: Pilgram.
Q: What do you call the evil being that comes to get pilgrims?
A: Pilgrim Reaper.
Q: What do you get when you cross a Pilgrim with a cracker?
A: A Pilgraham.
Q: Why did the pilgrim’s pants keep falling down?
A: Because his belt buckle was on his hat.
Q: If there were still Pilgrims alive today, what would they be famous for?
A: Their age!
Q: What’s a pilgrim’s mother called?
A: Pilgranny.
Q: What did the Pilgrims get when they crossed a turkey with a ghost?
A: A poultrygeist!
Q: Why did the turkey cross the ocean?
A: To get to the other side.
Q: What did vampire Pilgrims call Thanksgiving?
A: Fangs-giving.
Q: What did Pilgrims put in their pumpkin pie?
A: Their teeth.
Q: Could Pilgrims jump higher than their houses?
A: Of course – houses can’t jump at all.
Q: Why did the Pilgrim band need a turkey?
A: For the drumsticks!
Q: What did the Pilgrim wear to Thanksgiving dinner?
A: A Har-VEST.
Q: What showed us how much the Mayflower liked America?
A: The way it hugged the shore.
Q: Where did passengers on the Mayflower play checkers?
A: Overboard.
Q: Why did the Mayflower crash into the dock.
A: It was closer than it a-PIER-ed
Q: What kind of music did the Pilgrims like to listen to?
A: Plymouth Rock.
Q: What did one turkey say to the other when they saw the Pilgrims land at Plymouth rock?
A: They look nice. Maybe they’ll have us over for dinner.
Q: If pilgrims travel on the Mayflower, then what do college students travel on?
A: The Scholar Ships.
Q: When did Mayflower sailors eat dinner?
A: Maritime.
Q: Why was the Mayflower sailor put in a time-out?
A: He was naughty-cal.
Q: If there were still Pilgrims alive today, what would they be famous for?
A: Their age!
Q: What’s a pilgrim’s mother called?
A: Pilgranny.
Q: What kind of cars would pilgrims drive today?
A: Plymouths.
Q: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
A: Pilgrims!
Q:What kind of tan did pilgrims get?
A: Puritan.
Q: What do you use to make Thanksgiving bread?
A: May flour.
Q: How did they clean their clothes on the Mayflower?
A: Tide!
Q: What kind of face do pilgrims make when they’re in pain?
A: Pil-grimace.
Q: What do pilgrim’s learn in school?
A: Pilgrammar.
Q: What’s the smallest unit of measurement in the pilgrim cookbook?
A: Pilgram.
Q: What do you call the evil being that comes to get pilgrims?
A: Pilgrim Reaper.
Q: Why did the captain of the Mayflower hire a cleaning service?
A: His sailboat was looking dinghy.
Q: What do you get when you cross a Pilgrim with a cracker?
A: A Pilgraham.
Q: Why did the pilgrim’s pants keep falling down?
A: Because his belt buckle was on his hat.
Q: If there were still Pilgrims alive today, what would they be famous for?
A: Their age!
Q: What did the Mayflower sailors play when they were bored?
A: Cards – because they always have a deck.
Q: What’s a pilgrim’s mother called?
A: Pilgranny.
Q: What did the young Pilgrim say when his Mom wanted his help to fix Thanksgiving dinner?
A: But I didn’t break it!
Q: Where did they take the Mayflower when it was sick?
A: The nearest doc.
Q: How did Mayflower sailors say hello to each other?
A: They waved.