Jokes About Softball

Check out this great collection of jokes about softball. These softball jokes are great for players, coaches, parents, teachers and anyone who wants to laugh about something related to softaball.

These clean softball jokes are good for all ages. If you’re a softball coach, load up on some of these softball jokes to share with players before practice.

Q: What did the softball glove say to the softball? A: Catch you later.

Softball was actually invented as an indoor sport in Chicago in 1887. It has been called indoor baseball, mush ball, playground, softbund ball, kitten ball, and ladies’ baseball (because it’s also played by women). It was nameed softball in 1926.

Jokes about Softball

Q: How do softball players stay cool?
A: By sitting next to the fans.

Q: What has 18 legs and catches flies?
A: A softball team

Q: What cartoon character is the best at softball?
A: Homer Simpson.

Q: How is a softball team similar to a pancake?
A: They both need a good batter.

Q: Which animal is best at hitting a softball?
A: The bat.

Q: Why did the softball player go to the car dealer?
A: She wanted a sales pitch.

Q: Why was Cinderella so bad at softball?
A: She had a pumpkin for a coach.

Q: Where does a softball player go when she needs a new uniform?
A: New Jersey.

Q: Why is a softball umpire like an angry chicken?
A: They both have fowl mouths.

Q: Where shouldn’t a softball player ever wear red?
A: In the bull pen.

Q: Which superhero is the best at playing softball?
A: Batgirl.

Q: What do softball players put their food on?
A: Home plates.

Q: Does it take longer to run from 1st base to 2nd base, or from 2nd base to 3rd base?
A: 2nd to 3rd because there is a short stop in the middle.

Q: When should softball players wear armor?
A: When they play knight games.

Q: What do you get when you cross a tree with a softball player?
A: Babe Root.

Q: Why are softball players so rich?
A: Because they play on diamonds.

Q: Where do softball bats wash up?
A: In the bat tub.

Q: Which takes longer to run: from 1st to 2nd base or from 2nd to 3rd base?
A: From 2nd to 3rd base because there is a shortstop in the middle.

Q: What do you get when you cross a softball pitcher with a carpet?
A: A throw rug.

Q: What do catchers wear on halloween?
A: Face Masks!

Q: How do softball players stay cool?
A: By standing close to the fans.

Q: Why are chickens such bad umpires?
A: They always call fowl balls.

Q: Why was the tiny ghost asked to join the softball team?
A: They needed a little team spirit.

Q: What is one of the rules in zebra softball?
A: Three stripes and you’re out.

Q: Where did the softball player wash her socks?
A: In the bleachers.

Q: Why did the police officer go to the softball game?
A: He heard that someone stole second base.

Q: Why didn’t the dog want to play softball?
A: It was a boxer.

Q: Which softball player wears the biggest helmet?
A: The one with the biggest head.

Q: Why don’t softball players join unions?
A: They don’t like to be called out on strikes.

Q: Did you hear the joke about the pop fly?
A: Nevermind. It’s over your head.

Q: Where do pitchers go to dance?
A: To the soft ball!

Q: What do softball players do when they get overheated?
A: They get closer to one of the fans.

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton play softball?
A: Her heart wasn’t in it

Q: What is a softball player’s favorite thing about going to the park?
A: The swings.

Q: Why are centipedes not allowed to play on bug softball teams?
A: It takes too long to put their cleats on

Q: Why are frogs good outfielders?
A: They never miss a fly.

Q: What do you get when you cross a softball player with a monster?
A: A double header.

Q: Why did the softball player go to the car dealer?
A: She wanted a sales pitch.

Q: Where do a softball players go when they need a new uniform?
A: New Jersey.

Q: Why are softball games at night?
A: Because bats sleep during the day.

Q: How often do softball players call each other?
A: They touch base every once in a while.

Q: Why is a softball umpire like an angry chicken?
A: They both have fowl mouths.

Q: When should softball players wear armor?
A: When they play knight games.

Q: What do you get when you cross a pitcher with a carpet?
A: A throw rug.

Q: What did the outfielder say to the softball?
A: Catch you later.

Q: What is harder to catch the faster you run?
A: Your breath!

Q: Which softball player wears the biggest cleats?
A: The one with the biggest feet!

Q: What do softball players use to bake a cake?
A: Oven mitts, bunt pans and batter.

Q: Where do you get dirt stains out of softball pants?
A: In the bleachers

Q: What is it called when a dinosaur gets a homerun?
A: A dino-score

Q: What do cupcakes and softball teams have in common?
A: They both count on the batter.

Q: Why shouldn’t you play softball in the jungle?
A: There are too many cheetahs!

Q. Why did the softball player bring string to the game?
A: So she could tie the score

Q: Why are spiders such good softball players?
A: Because they know how to catch flies.

Q: Why do girls like softball so much?
A: It’s the only sport played on a diamond.

Q: Did you hear the joke about the fast pitch?
A: Oops – You just missed it.

Q: Why are some umpires overweight?
A: Because they always clean their plate.

Q: Why was Cinderella kicked off the softball team?
A: She always ran away from the ball.

Q. What runs around a softball field but never moves?
A: A fence

Q: What did the bumble bee softball player say after crossing home plate?
A: Hive scored

Q: What do you get when you cross a pitcher with the Invisible Man?
A: Pitching like no one has ever seen.

Q: Why are singers good at softball?
A: They have a perfect pitch.

Q: Why did the chicken get ejected from the softball game?
A: For persistent fowl play.

Q: Why do girls softball players love playing so much?
A: Because diamonds are a girl’s best friend.

Q: Why did Michael Jackson like playing softball?
A: Because he only had to wear one glove!

Q: Did you hear the joke about the softball?
A: It will leave you in stitches!

Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Tess me.
Tess me who?
Tess me the softball!