Looking for Gingerbread Man cookie jokes? This is the best collection of jokes about Gingerbread Men anywhere.
Gingerbread Men cookies are one of the most popular Christmas cookies – and the Gingerbread Man song is one of the most famous.
These Gingerbread Man cookie jokes, one-liners and riddles are perfect for teachers, parents and kids of all ages.
Gingerbread Men Cookie Jokes
Q: Why was the Gingerbread Man robbed?
A: Because of his dough.
Q: What do you call someone who steals Gingerbread Men?
A: A crook-ie.
Q: What did the Gingerbread Man put under his blanket?
A: A cookie sheet.
Q: Who was the most dangerous cookie?
A: The Ninjabread man.
Q: What do you sing when gingerbread cookies are in the oven?
A: Jingle smells, jingle smells…
Q: Why did the basketball player love gingerbread cookies so much?
A: He loved to dunk them.
Q: Why did the Gingerbread Man go to the school nurse?
A: He was feeling crumby.
Q: Why didn’t the computer programmer have any Gingerbread Men?
A: He deleted his cookies.
Q: What does the Gingerbread Man like to drink?
A: Ginger ale.
Q: How do Gingerbread Men keep their jackets closed?
A: With ginger snaps.
Q: Why did the Gingerbread man go to the dentist?
A: For his gingervitis.
Q: What’s richer than a Gingerbread Man cookie?
A: A fortune cookie.
Q: How do you make deer-shaped Gingerbread Men?
A: With cookie doe.
Q: What do Jamaican bakers make for Christmas?
A: Gingerbreadmon.
Q: How did the Gingerbread Man get into his locked house?
A: Cook-keys.
Q: What did the Ginger Bread Man say to the flour?
A: I loaf you dough much.
Q: Why did the Gingerbread Man leave the bakery?
A: It’s a crumby place to be.
Q: Which type of gingerbread man cookies can fly?
A: The plain ones