Funny Darth Maul jokes for Star Wars fans. The best Darth Maul jokes, riddles, puns, one-liners and knock-knock jokes about Darth Maul anywhere.
These jokes about Darth Maul are for kids and adults of all ages — they will have the whole family laughing. Looking for clean Darth Maul jokes, we have them right here. Perfect for parents, teachers, kids and any fan of Star Wars movies, shows and books.
How about Darth Maul jokes for Star Wars Day on May 4th (aka: May the Fourth be With You day)? These are perfect for that!
While these jokes about Darth Maul are great, you’ll find even more Star Wars puns, knock-knock jokes and one-liners in our Mega collection of Star Wars jokes PLUS an entire Star Wars Jokes Directory broken down by character, movie and more.
Darth Maul Jokes
Q: What did Darth Maul’s teacher say when he was disrupting her class?
A: Sith down and be quiet.
Q: Who serves food at the Darth Maul food court?
A: Darth Waiter
Q: What brand of lacrosse stick does Darth Maul use?
A: Warrior
Q: What did Emperor Palpatine say to Darth Maul when Vader couldn’t figure out how to use chopsticks at the Chinese Restaurant?
A: Use the forks…
Q: When did Darth Maul learn to drive?
A: When he was sith-teen
Q: Why did Darth Maul cross the galaxy?
A: To get to the Dark Side.
Q: What do you they call the potato puffs in the Darth Maul food court?
A: Vader Tots.
Q: What time is it when Darth Maul steps on your chronometer?
A: Time to get a new chronometer.
Q: Why couldn’t Darth Maul catch Kylo?
A: Because Kylo Ran.
Q: Why is Darth Maul always invited to the Emperor’s dinners?
A: He has the forks with him…
Q: Why did Darth Maul throw steaks at Obi-Wan?
A: So he could MEAT his destiny.
Q: Which Sith cries the most?
A: Darth Bawl.
Q: Who is Darth Maul’s favorite hockey team?
A: The Sabres.
Q: What did the dentist say to Darth Maul?
A: May the floss be with you.
Q: How did Darth Maul get so smart?
A: He’s very well RED.
Q: Why did Darth Vader go to the musical instrument store?
A: To find the hidden rebel bass.
Q: What is Darth Maul’s favorite album?
A: The Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd)
Q: How does Darth Maul like his coffee?
A: On the Dark Side.
Q: How did Darth Maul know what he was getting for Christmas?
A: He felt his presents.
Find more Star Wars Knock-Knock Jokes at our dedicated Star Wars knock knock jokes page here: Star Wars Knock-Knock Jokes. Check out entire directory of Star Wars Joke Collections.