Chimpanzee jokes for kids and adults, including Chimpanzee Puns, Monkey Riddles, one liners and knock knock jokes. These Chimpanzee Jokes are great for teachers, parents, animal lovers, zoo workers and anyone who likes Chimps and monkeys.
This is the best collection of Clean Chimpanzee Jokes you’ll find anywhere.
Did you know that chimpanzees are not monkeys! Chimpanzees are actually apes. One way to tell the difference between a monkey and an ape is by the tail. Apes don’t have a tail, but monkeys do. Both apes and monkeys, however, are primates.
These Chimpanzee jokes for kids are especially fun for trips to the zoo or after reading a book with apes as characters.
Chimpanzee Jokes for Kids
Q: What do Chimpanzees say when they meet a banana?
A: Yellow there.
Q: Which transformer turns into a Chimpanzee?
A: Optimus Primate
Q: Why couldn’t the Chimpanzee fix his bicycle?
A: He only had a monkey wrench.
Q: Where do Chimpanzees buy their clothes?
A: Banana Republic.
Q: Why did the banana cross the road?
A: To get away from the Chimp!
Q: Why did the Chimpanzee eat the banana?
A: Because it’s an ape!
Q: What Christmas carol do Chimpanzees like to sing?
A: Jungle Bells.
Q: Why did the Chimpanzee keep falling off his bike?
A: He slipped off the banana seat.
Q: What did the daddy ape call his son?
A: A chimp off the old block.
Q: Which type of monkey are Chimpanzees afraid of?
A: A spider monkey.
Q: Why were the lions hungry at the jungle party?
A: Nobody brought any chimps and dip.
Clean Chimpanzee Jokes
Q: Where do Chimpanzees go to work out?
A: The jungle gym.
Q: Which one of the Chimpanzees friends told everyone his secret?
A: The blaboon.
Q: How do Chimpanzees travel through the air?
A: In a hot air baboon.
Q: What kind of primate orders seafood for dinner?
A: A shrimpanzee.
Q: How do Chimpanzees open up bananas?
A: With a mon-key!
Q: Why don’t Chimpanzees play UNO out in the jungle?
A: There are too many cheetahs.
Q: What flavor cookie do primates like the most?
A: Chocolate chimp…
Q: What did the Chimpanzee study while at Harvard?
A: The law of the jungle.
Q: What did the Chimpanzee say when the lion grabbed it by the tail?
A: That’s the end of me!
Q: What do apes drink on hot summer days?
A: Iced Chimpan-tea.
Q: Who was that chimpanzee with the wand and broomstick?
A: Hairy Potter!
Q: What do you call an ape who works as a potato chip server?
A: A chipmunk.
Chimpanzee Riddles
Riddle: What does a chimpanzee have if he’s holding 25 bananas in one hand and 35 bananas in the other?
Answer: Really, really big hands.
Riddle: Why didn’t the chimpanzee want to eat bananas any longer?
Answer: He thought they were long enough already
Best Chimpanzee Jokes
Q: What do you call a primate who helps win the World Cup?
A: A chimpion.
Q: How do fire fighters catch stray chimps?
A: The climb a tree and act like a banana.
Q: How did the chimpanzee get down the stairs so quickly?
A: He slid down the banana-ster.
Q: What do you call a chimpanzee at the North Pole at Christmastime?
A: Very lost.
Q: What do chimpanzees use to buy things?
A: Banana bread.
Q: How do you catch a chimpanzee?
A: Climb up a tree and act like a banana.
Q: What did the banana say to the chimpanzee?
A: Nothing – bananas can’t talk.
Q: What did the banana do when he saw the chimpanzee?
A: It split.
Chimpanzee Puns
The doctor told the chimpanzee that it needed to eat more whole grains… so now it only eats BRANanas.
Q: Why did the chimpanzee go to see the doctor?
A: It ate a bad banana and wasn’t peeling very well.
Q: Why did the chimpanzee like the banana?
A: Because it had appeal…
Knock Knock Chimpanzee Jokes
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Jim who?
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Jimmy who?
Jimmy a benana!
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Ben who?