World Series Jokes

World Series jokes for Baseball fans of all ages.

This is the best collection of Clean World Series Jokes for kids and adults.

These funny World Series jokes are great for parents, teachers, baseball fans, baseball coaches, adults and children.

Throwing a World Series party? These World Series jokes for kids will bring lots of laughs. Write them on pieces of paper or Post-it notes and spread them around. Do a standup routine or print them out and do a joke karaoke during the 7th inning stretch. Set them out on your buffet table for people to see when they’re grabbing something to eat. Enjoy the games and share plenty of smiles!

World Series Jokes

Q: Why did Dracula show up at Fenway Park?
A: He thought the world’s eeries was there.

Q: Why are World Series tickets so expensive?
A: They have to pay for the diamond somehow!

Q: Why didn’t the Red Sox want to hold the World Series in Las Vegas.
A: Because Mookie Betts.

Q: What sports league do Los Angeles baseball players sign up for after the World Series is over?
A: Dodge ball.

Q: Who is the wealthiest player?
A: RICH Hill (L.A. Dodgers)

Q: Who hems the baseball pants for World Series players?
A: Chris Taylor (Pun: “tailor” – Dodgers Player)

Q: Why are World Series umpires overweight?
A: They always have to clean their plate.

Q: Why do coaches want spiders to play outfield for them in the World Series?
A: The game could come down to who catches the most flies!

Q: Why did the police officer go to the World Series?
A: Just in case someone stole a base!

Q: Which superhero would make a great designated hitter in the World Series?
A: BATman.

Q: What’s the silliest song to sing at the World Series?
A: “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” because everyone is already there!

Q: What do young fans like about going to the World Series?
A: The swings!

Q: What makes frogs such good outfielders?
A: They never miss a fly.

Q: What do you get when you cross a pitcher with a carpet?
A: A throw rug.

Q: How do World Series baseball players stay cool?
A: By standing close to the fans.

Q: Why was the ghost asked to sit in the dugout at the World Series game?
A: They needed a little team spirit.

World Series Baseball Riddles

Riddle: How did the World Series pitcher win the game without throwing a ball?
Answer: He only threw strikes.

Riddle: Why are World Series tickets so expensive?
Answer: Because they play on a big diamond.

Riddle: Why are there more runs in World Series games played at night?
Answer: Their bats only wake up at night.

Riddle: What do World Series pitchers and professional bowlers have in common?
Answer: They both need to throw strikes.

Riddle. Why did the baseball player bring string to the World Series game?
Answer: So he could tie the score if he had to.

Riddle: A baseball player leaves home, makes a left turn, another left, and then another left before going home again. When he gets home he finds two men in masks waiting for him! Who are they?
Answer: The catcher and the umpire.

Riddle: In the World Series, why does it take longer to run from 2nd base to 3rd base than from 1st base to 2nd base?
Answer: Because there is a short stop in the middle.

Funny World Series Jokes

Q: Why did the ball player wear old stockings to the World Series?
A: He knew they had runs in them!

Q: Who would be the best choice as a World Series relief pitcher?
A: The mummy – because he knows how to wrap up.

Q: What do ballplayers do when their eyesight goes bad?
A: They get jobs as World Series umpires.

Q: According to a new poll 99 percent of baseball fans love watching the World Series.
A: The other 1 percent are Mariners fans. (Mariners have never been in a World Series)

Q: If a basketball team were chasing a baseball team, what time would it be?
A: Five after nine.

Q: Which World Series player wears the biggest helmet?
A: The one with the biggest head.

Q: Why is hotter after a World Series baseball game?
A: All the fans have left.

Q. What runs around a baseball stadium field during the World Series, but never moves?
A: A wall

Q: Where do they wash World Series baseball pants?
A: In the bleachers.

Q: What is harder for a baseball player to catch the faster he runs?
A: His breath!

Q: How are the Mariners like a grizzly bear?
A: Every October, they go into hibernation.

Q: What do you call a World Series game without Harper in it?
A: Bryceless…

World Series One Liners

Never tell outfielders a joke at the World Series… it will just go over their head.

A fan at a World Series baseball game was wondering why the baseball kept getting bigger and bigger… then it hit him.

My driving instructor wanted to go the World Series. He didn’t care much for sports… he just wanted to see a line drive and a baseball park.

World Series Jokes for Kids

Q: Why did the baseball player bring a pacifier to the World Series game?
A: He wanted to play like the Babe!

Q: Why aren’t centipedes allowed to play in the World Series?
A: It takes too long to put their cleats on.

Q: What did the Mariners fan do when his team won the World Series?
A: Turned off his Xbox.

Q: Who walks back and forth screaming one minute, then sits down weeping uncontrollably the next?
A: The coach of a World series baseball team

Q: How do you know when a pitcher is having a bad World Series game?
A: When the crowd starts to sing “Take Him Out of The Ball Game.”

Q: What can you do just as well as a Mariners baseball player?
A: Watch the World Series live on TV.

Q: What do you call 28 rich people sitting around a TV to watch the World Series?
A: The Mariners.

Q: What’s the difference between a T-Mobile Park hot dog and a Yankee Stadium hot dog?
A: Yankee Stadium hot dogs are still being sold in October.

Q: Which World Series player wears the biggest cleats?
A: The one with the biggest feet!

Q: When should World Series baseball players wear armor?
A: When they play knight games.

Q: Where shouldn’t a World Series pitcher ever wear red?
A: In the BULL pen.

Q: Which cartoon character was the World Series coach trying to get on the team?
A: HOMER Simpson.

Q: What do you get when you cross a tree with a World Series baseball player?
A: Babe Root.

Q: How is a World Series roster like a pancake?
A: They both need good batters.

Q: How do fans at the World Series get down from the bleachers?
A: They don’t – you can only get down from a goose.

Q: How do World Series baseball players stay cool?
A: By sitting next to the fans.

World Series Knock Knock Jokes

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Phillip who?
Let’s Phillip the bases and score some points.

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Uriah who?
Keep Uriah on the ball.

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Bass who?
Bass-ball is my favorite sport.

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Howey who?
Howey run so fast to first base?

Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Tess me.
Tess me who?
Tess me the baseball!