Funny Yoda jokes for Star Wars fans of all ages. These clean Yoda jokes, riddles, Yoda puns, one-liners and knock-knock jokes are perfect for parents, teachers, kids, adults and any fan of Star Wars movies, shows and publications.
Looking for funny Yoda jokes for Star Wars Day on May 4th (aka: May the Fourth be With You day)? These jokes about Yoda are sure to get a lot of laughs. They’re also great for Star Wars parties!
Yoda is a character created by George Lucas for Star Wars. Yoda is a small, green creature who is powerful through his use of the Force.
Yoda served as grandmaster of the Jedi Order and trained Jedi for hundreds of years, including Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. He lives on the planet of Dagobah.
Yoda was also a general who led clone troopers in the Clone Wars. One of his foes is Emperor Palpatine.
While these jokes about Yoda are funny, you’ll find even more Star Wars puns, knock-knock jokes and one-liners in our Mega collection of Star Wars jokes – or check out our entire Star Wars Jokes Directory broken down by character, movie and more.
Yoda Jokes
Q: What was Yoda’s last name?
A: LayHeeHoo…
Q: Why does Yoda train jedi?
A: It helps make the Dagobah.
Yodas favorite dinosaur was a Do-ceratops… because there is no Tri.
Q: How did Yoda get down from the bantha?
A: He didn’t. You can only get down from a goose…
Q: Which one of Yoda’s enemies needed to get more sun?
A: Emperor PALE-patine.
Q: Why did Count Dooku throw steaks at Yoda?
A: So he could MEAT his destiny.
Q: What happened when Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing landed in the water when visiting Yoda on Dagobah?
A: It got wet.
Q: What is Yoda short for?
A: Because he’s got little legs.
Q: What did Yoda call Chewbacca’s foolish error?
A: A wookie mistake.
Q: Why did Yoda always carry a camera?
A: He loves to take Yodagraphs.
Q: What did Yoda say when Luke said something obvious?
A: No-Duh!
Q: Why were Yoda’s eyes crossing on the first day of Jedi school?
A: He couldn’t control his pupils!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Yoda who?
Yoda-mands are unreasonable…
Q: Why wouldn’t Yoda believe that Obi Wan had an identical twin?
A: Because there can be only Wan Kenobi.
Q: Who is Yoda’s favorite chello player?
A: Yo-Yo-Da
Q: Why was Yoda upset with all the attention Obi Wan was getting?
A: It made him GREEN with envy.
Q: What does Yoda do when he hears a bad joke?
A: He forces a smile
Q: Who served Yoda at the Death Star Diner?
A: Darth Waiter
Q: What is Yoda’s favorite chocolate snack food?
A: Drake Chocolate Yoda-ls
Q: Who raised baby Yoda?
A: The Man-dad-lorian.
Q: What did Yoda say to the sheep?
A: With ewe, may the force be.
Q: What haircare brand does Baby Yoda use?
A: Manda L’Oréal
Q: Why was Yoda such a good gardener?
A: Because he had green thumb.
Q: Why did Luke think Yoda might be sick?
A: He looked a little green…
Q: Why was Yoda so comical?
A: He was a master of the Farce.
Q: Why did Yoda wear sunglasses to the first day of Jedi school?
A: He heard his new students were bright.
Q: What did Yoda do when he’s tired of Anakin’s questions?
A: Ewoks away.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Yoda who?
Yoda best kid I know.
Q: Why didn’t Luke Skywalker ever ask Yoda for money?
A: Yoda was always short.
Q: What kind of car does Yoda’s drive?
A: A To-Yoda!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Yoda who?
Yoda man!
Q: What did Yoda say to encourage the grammer student?
A: Metaphors be with you…
Q: Who did Yoda call to help open PDF files?
A: Adobe Wan Kenobi
Q: Why was Yoda afraid of 7?
A: Because 9 7 8.
Q: Why is Yoda always invited on picnics?
A: He has the forks with him.
Find more Star Wars puns, knock-knock jokes and one-liners in our Mega collection of Star Wars jokes – or check out our entire Star Wars Jokes Directory broken down by character, movie and more.