Flamingo Jokes

This collection of flamingo jokes will have your kids laughing in no time!

These jokes about flamingos are great for teachers, parents, zoo keepers and children of all ages.

Some people make the mistake of spelling flamingo with an “es” at the end (flamingoes). Many also believe flamingos come from Florida, but they are not considered a native bird of Florida.

Flamingo Jokes

Q: What soccer position do pink birds play?
A: Flamingoalie.

Q: Why are flamingos such good patients?
A: They’re used to wading.

Q: What’s the opposite of a flamingo?
A: A flamin-stop.

Q: What do birds do for fun on weekends?
A: Play fla-bingo.

Send a Flamingo to Someone!!
Send a Pink Flamingo to Someone! It’s hilarious and offers plenty of fun options. Click the image to see!

Q: Why did the crocodile cross the road?
A: To eat the flamingo.

Q: What does a flamingo chick become after she’s 10 days old?
A: 11 days old.

Q: What language do pink birds speak?
A: Fla-lingo.

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Q: What do you get when you cross a flamingo with a cement mixer?
A: A brick layer. (flamingos lay eggs)

Q: What can you do for a hurt flamingo?
A: Give it medical tweetment

Q: Which one of the Beatles was really a bird?
A: Flamingo Starr.

Q: Why do flamingos stand on one leg?
A: Because it would fall if it lifted up both legs.

Q: Why did the flamingo go to the salad bar?
A: For the shrimp!

Q: How are flamingo like ants?
A: They both live in colonies.

Q: How did the flamingo avoid the bird catcher?
A: It stood still on a lawn with a plastic flamingo!

Q: Which Australian bird is pink?
A: The Fla-dingo.

Q: Why did the young flamingos get in trouble?
A: Their father finally put his foot down.

Q: Why did the flamingo need a bandaid?
A: It hurt it’s pinky.

Q: Why did one flamingo get the starting job over the other?
A: He was the greater flamingo. (Greater Flamingo is a type of flamingo)

Q: Why couldn’t the zoo keep the flamingo?
A: It was James’s flamingo. (James’s flamingo is a type of flamingo)

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Q: What was the flamingo doing on Saturday?
A: He was just Chilean out. (There are Chilean flamingos)

Q: What part of a flamingo has the most feathers?
A: The outside!

Q: What spicy, pink breakfast cereal do birds eat?
A: Flaming O’s

Q: Why did the flamingo cross the road?
A: To get to the other side.

Q: Why did the flamingo cross the road?
A: It was the chicken’s day off.

Q: How do flamingos surf the internet?
A: With their webbed feet.

Q: What looks like half a flamingo?
A: The other half.

Q: How do pink birds find friends?
A: They fla-mingle.

Q: What do flamingos like to do at fun parks?
A: Ride the flamingo-carts.

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