Looking for jokes about the color green?
Why green color jokes? Green is a popular color during spring, St. Patrick’s Day and Christmas.
These green jokes are clean and safe for kids of all ages – so no worries at all for parents, teachers and children. Great for a St. Patrick’s Day party at home or school.
Green Color Jokes
Q: What did the ivy say to the grass?
A: I am green with envy
Q: What’s green and smells like blue paint?
A: Green paint
Q: Why was the boy wearing a green dress shirt?
A: He wanted to try collared greens.
Q: What do you do with a green monster?
A: Wait until she’s ripe
Q: What did the leprechaun call the happy man wearing green?
A: A Jolly Green Giant.
Q: Why can’t leprechaun ever end a golf game?
A: They refuse to leave the green.
Q: Why was the leprechauns given a desk job when he became a policeman?
A: He was too green to go out on patrol.
Q: Why do leprechauns like to recycle?
A: So they can go green
Q: What did the green bean ask the banana?
A: How are you peeling?
Q: What happens when you throw a green hat into the Black Sea?
A: It gets wet.
Q: What did the leprechaun order to drink at the Chinese restaurant?
A: Green tea.
Q: What happened when a green ship crashed into a blue ship?
A: The crew was marooned.
Q: What is green and blue and very small?
A: A lizard holding its breath
Q: Why don’t bears wear green socks?
A: They always have bear feet.
Q: How can you spot a jealous shamrock?
A: It’s green with envy
Q: Which shellfish are green?
A: Shamrock lobster
Q: Who is the dullest color?
A: Olive drab.
Q: What do you call a green diamond?
A: A sham-rock
Q: Why are leprechauns so concerned about global warming?
A: They’re really into green living.
Q: Why was the leprechaun trying to find gamma rays?
A: He wanted to look like the Hulk.
Q: Who was the leprechauns favorite super hero?
A: Green Lantern.
Q: Why are so many leprechauns florists?
A: They have green thumbs!
Q: What do leprechauns yell when they first see an Irish shoreline?
A: IreLand Ho!