Armadillo Jokes

Armadillo Jokes for kids and adults looking for something funny about armadillos. You’ll find armadillo puns, armadillo Riddles, one liners and knock knock jokes.

Our Armadillo Jokes are great for teachers, parents, animal lovers, zoo workers and anyone who likes armadillos.

This is the funniest collection of Clean Armadillo Jokes you’ll find anywhere. These silly armadillo jokes are especially fun for trips to the zoo.

Armadillos are unique mammals known for their leathery, armored shells that protect them from predators. They primarily inhabit warm regions of the Americas and are famous for their burrowing habits, which help them find food like insects and small invertebrates. One of the most distinctive features of armadillos is their ability to roll into a ball for defense, although not all species can do this.

Armadillo Jokes for Kids

Q: Where do armadillos go when there’s a hurricane?
A: A shell-ter.

Q: What did the taco say to the armadillos?
A: I like your shell.

Q: Where did the armadillos get it’s energy?
A: From one 9-Volt Dura-Shell. (Duracel is a brand of battery)

I went to see an armadillo comedian the other night… he was shell-larious.

Q: What do you call a flying armadillo?
A: A shellicopter.

Q: What do armadillos wear when they go biking?
A: Their shell-met.

Q: What do you call an armadillo with six feet?
A: A cockroach.

Q: Where do armadillo criminals spend their time?
A: In a shell block.

Q: What kind of photos do self-centered armadillos take?
A: Shell-fies.

Q: How do armadillos contact each other?
A: With their shell phones.

Q: How did armadillo Elvis get off his back?
A: He rocked and he rolled.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
You who?
You see a armadillo go by?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Army who?

Q: What do you call an armadillo who can act?
A: A shell-ebrity

Q: What do armadillos do on their day off?
A: They shellax

Q: What’s an armadillo’s favorite style of music?
A: Rock and roll.

Q: What instrument did the armadillo playin band?
A: Shell-o

Q: How do armadillo travel long distances?
A: Shell-icopter

An Armadillo read this page of jokes… and rolled with laughter.