Riddles for Kids

Q: How many months have 28 days?
A: All of them.

Q: How many books can you put into an empty back pack?
A: One. After that, it’s not an empty backpack anymore.

Q: Which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?
A: Neither because they both weigh a ton.

Q: Does your shirt have holes in it?
A: No? Then how did you get it on?

Q: What starts with a P and ends with an E and has thousands of letters in it?
A: Post Office.

Q: What is full of holes but can still hold water?
A: A sponge.

Q: What has two hands, a round face, always runs, but stays in place?
A: A clock.

Q: Where does success come before work?
A: In the dictionary.

Q: A woman has seven daughters, and each daughter has a brother. How many children does the woman have all together?
A: She has eight children.