Riddles for Kids

Q: A house has 4 walls. Each of the walls faces south and a bear is circling the house. What color is the bear?
A: The house is at the North Pole, so the bear is white because it’s a polar bear.

Q: What is at the end of a rainbow?
A: The letter “w”

Q: How many peas are there in a pint?
A: There is one ‘P’ in a ‘pint’.

Q: What starts with the letter “T”, is filled with “T” and ends in “T”?
A: A teapot.

Q: What is so fragile that just saying its name breaks it?
A: Silence.

Q: What has 4 eyes but can’t see?
A: Mississippi

Q: When does a cart come before a horse?
A: In the dictionary.

Q: You walk into a dark room with a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a torch. Which do you light first?
A: The match.

Q: A woman was driving her car. Her lights were not on and the moon was not out. A man started crossing the street. How did she see him?
A: It was a sunny day.

Q: You draw a line. Without touching it, how do you make the line longer?
A: Draw a shorter line next to it, then it becomes the longer line.

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Q: What has one eye but cannot see?
A: A needle

Q: A man leaves home and turns left three times only to return home again facing two men wearing masks. Who are the two men?
A: The catcher and umpire.

Q: Which state is surrounded by the most water?
A: Hawaii.

Q: Which is heavier, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
A: Neither, they both weigh one pound.

Q: We see it once in a year, twice in a week, and never in a day. What is it?
A: The letter “E”

Q: A dog is on a 10 foot chain and able to get a bone that is 20 feet away. How could the dog get the bone?
A: The chain was not attached to anything.

Q: If a blue house is made out of blue bricks, a yellow house is made out of yellow bricks and a pink house is made out of pink bricks, what is a green house made of?
A: Glass

Q: Mr. Blue lives in the blue house, Mr. Pink lives in the pink house, and Mr. Brown lives in the brown house. Who lives in the white house?
A: The president.

Q: What breaks when you say it?
A: Silence.

Q: They come out every night without being called, but are lost every day without being stolen. What are they?
A: Stars.

Q: Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name?
A: Mary (did you say Nunu?)

Q: Name a tree that can be carried in your hand?
A: A palm.

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Q: I am a five letter word. Take away my first letter and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter and I still sound the same. Take away my middle letter and I still sound the same. What word am I?
A: Empty

Q; What goes up but never comes down?
A: Your age.

Q: How many letters are in The Alphabet?
A: There are 11 letters in The Alphabet

Q: What is atthe center of gravity?
A: The letter V.

Q: Which English word has three consecutive double letters?
A: Bookkeeper

Q: How do you make the number one disappear?
A: Add the letter “g” and it’s “gone”

Q: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
A: A penny.

Q: What goes up, but never comes down?
A: Your age.

Q: What gets bigger and bigger as you take more away from it?
A: A hole.

Q: The teacher took two students to teach them math. How many T’s in that?
A: There are 2 T’s in the “that.”

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