Riddles for Kids

A riddle is a statement, question or phrase that has a double or veiled meaning, and presented as a puzzle to be solved. Try your best to solve this collection of riddles.

Riddles for Kids
In medieval times, jesters entertained with a wide variety of skills: principal ones included songs, music, riddles, jokes and storytelling

Q: If you were in a race and passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in?
A: 2nd place.

Q: Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
A: Nothing

Q: What has one head, one foot and four legs?
A: A Bed

Q: What comes down but never goes up?
A: Rain

Q: What is the word that is spelled incorrectly in all dictionaries?
A: Incorrectly

Q: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
A: A candle

Q: Everyone in the world needs it. They generously give it. But never take it. Then what is it?
A: Advice

Q: How can a pants pocket be empty and still have something in it?
A: It can have a hole in it.

Q: In a one-story blue house, there was a blue person, a blue cat, a blue fish, a blue computer, a blue chair, a blue table, a blue telephone, a blue shower– everything was blue. What color were the stairs?
A: There were no stairs – it was a one story house.

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Q: Four children and their pet dog were walking under a tiny umbrella, but none of them got wet. How can this be?
A: It wasn’t raining.

Q: David’s father had three sons: Larry, Moe, and ?
A: David.

Q: It is your possession and belongs to you, but you rarely ever use it. What is it?
A: Your name.

Q: A father and his son were riding their bikes and crashed. Two ambulances came and took each to a different hospital. The man’s son was in the operating room and the doctor said, “I can’t operate on you. You’re my son.”
How is that possible?
A: The doctor is his mother.

Q: What’s the most slippery country in the world?
A: Greece

Q: What goes up when rain comes down?
A: An umbrella.

Q: A boy and an engineer were fishing. The boy is the son of the engineer but the engineer is the father of the boy. Who is the engineer?
A: The engineer is the boy’s mother.

Q: What is the longest word in the dictionary?
A: Smiles, because there is a mile between each “s”

Q: You can break me without touching or seeing me. What am I?
A: A promise

Q: If I drink, I perish. If I eat, I’m fine. What am I?
A: A fire.

Q: You will cast me away when you want to use me. You will take me back in when you don’t want to use me. What am I?
A: The anchor on a boat.

Q: What can go up a chimney down, but can’t come down a chimney up?
A: An umberella

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Q: What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
A: Short

Q: I can’t speak or hear, but I always tell the truth. What am I?
A: A mirror

Q: I am full of keys, but can’t open any door. What am I?
A: A piano

Q: What travels around the world but stays in one spot?
A: A postage stamp

Q: I don’t have wings, but I can fly. I don’t have eyes, but I can cry. What am I?
A: A cloud

Q: What happens once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?
A: The letter M.

Q: I am a word. If you pronounce me right, it is wrong. If you pronounce me wrong, it is right? What word am I?
A: Wrong

Q: I lose my head every morning, but get it back at night. What Am I?
A: A pillow

Q: If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it?
A: A secret.

Q: I am a type of vehicle. I am spelled the same way forwards and backwards. What Am I?

Q: What has hands but can’t clap?
A: A clock.

Q: What can you catch but not throw?
A: A cold.

Q: How can you spell rot with only two letters?
A: DK (decay)

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